Naz Haven Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Naz Haven

Naz Haven

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Can change into any being/race similar in size.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

They believe that they have been birthed by nature itself. Brought to this world to preserve its natural balance.   From what she remembers, she had an adoptive family of genasi of every element (fire, water, air, and she was an earth genasi). Given to her by her mother (water genasi), her name was Naz. Her family (nomadic) found her laying in the grasslands surrounded by a herd of deer. At least, that's what they told her. (What she doesn't know is that that her mother saw a mysterious figure as well as the herd of deer; and, she suspects that to be her mother. She also wasn't told that she was a changeling. Her family keeps this secret from her fearing that if anyone truly knew they would be afraid). Her family was really worried for her because she would disappear on her own for weeks or even months on end. She started to disappear around the age of 8. The really troubling fact is that she wouldn't remember a lot from when she was gone (she would maybe remember the plants or animals she has seen while away).   From what he remembers, he was raised by panthers in the grasslands of what is undiscovered to the people of Lunaecia. At the age of 10, he was given a name because he figured out how to comprehend and talk to animals. He was given the name Taz by the leader of the panther claw (a group of panthers). He was always in his original form as a changeling when with the claw. He would change to similar humanoid creatures when the claw encountered those beings. He found a traveling group of changelings (just like him) and decided to go and join them and learn the ways of a changeling.   They found out when they were 12 that they had multiple personality disorder. At the age of 16, they decided to travel to another land to discover themselves in other cultures. They traveled across the Lunaecian sea hoping the water spirits wouldn't mind. She docked at Bluebridge and went to live further inland (in the forest between Dellmere and redvain).


Naz learned druidic through her family.   They decided to go travel to experience the world and different cultures. She chose to go to the circle of the Shepard where she learned Primordial. He is learning the Feign Death Ritual. She is learning how to mend with magic.


They work at a Botanical Garden and she found an apothecary that needed what they grew.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dean's List, Athlete Award, Participant Award in Science Fair

Personality Characteristics


Travel to find a suitable persona.


Contacts & Relations

Genasi in the undiscovered land

Religious Views

Nature is the ultimate.

Hobbies & Pets

They used to have a panther named Chad.

Their persona unbeknownst to them, they feel compelled to look and act like other races. Sometimes juvenile and irrational; and, other times mature, witty, and level-headed. A becomer changeling turns into a reality seeker.

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Male and Female
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 6''
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Primordial, and undercommon

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