Tiefling Species in Oasis | World Anvil
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Tieflings bear the mark of the demons of past. Their horns, long tails, and sinister eyes set them apart from others socially. To be born a tiefling is one thing, but to become one is a whole other. A tiefling that isn't born from two tieflings, a human and tiefling couple, or even a human couple bears the sin of demons. There are numerous ways to come in contact, but it is very rare. They are welcomed in society and try to make a proper living but, with the mark of a demon, comes multiple challenges. Those born a tiefling unfortunately carry the sins of sometimes their own parents or their ancestors. Since they are part human, you can find your average tiefling living among humans in cities, towns, and ports. The more rural an area the least likely they are to be seen. A common profession for tieflings include crime related ones but are solely not the case. Tieflings can find neutral grounds only within the holy cities.

Basic Information


Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the broadest possible sense, they still look human. However, their infernal heritage has left a clear imprint on their appearance. Tieflings have large horns that take any of a variety of shapes: some have curling horns like a ram, others have straight and tall horns like a gazelle’s, and some spiral upward like an antelopes’ horns. They have thick tails, four to five feet long, which lash or coil around their legs when they get upset or nervous. Their canine teeth are sharply pointed, and their eyes are solid colors—black, red, white, silver, or gold—with no visible sclera or pupil. Their skin tones cover the full range of human coloration, but also include various shades of red. Their hair, cascading down from behind their horns, is usually dark, from black or brown to dark red, blue, or purple.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tiefling names fall into three broad categories. Tieflings born into another culture typically have names reflective of that culture. Some have names derived from the Infernal language, passed down through generations, that reflect their fiendish heritage. And some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a noble quest. For others, it’s a grim destiny.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tieflings speak common and infernal.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tieflings often flock towards each other as a sort of kinship and comfort as they are not fully human yet not fully demon. They have the choice to side with their demon ancestors if they wish, and some due, but many tieflings are actively fighting against such stigma.

Common Myths and Legends

  • Sorrow Nevermore

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Usually followed by stigma with every race. Seen mostly as untrustworthy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~100 years
Average Height
Same as humans.
Average Weight
Same as humans.

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