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Alisdair Nan òran

Song maker of clan McElnin Alisdair MacCollum Bredai (a.k.a. Nan òran (Of the songs) GilleLeirin (Oathed to Leirin))

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

slightly overweight and with a perminent limp

Facial Features

Slightly chubby cheeks freckles A braided ginger beard

Physical quirks


Apparel & Accessories

Typical clothes of a well to do Cruthi, wool longshirt, colourfull tartan like tunic, fur overcoat and a great kilt. He wears a gold torqe around his neck as well as a necklace of antlers and monster teeth. He wears earings of feathers and polished gemstone. Has a large hood made from the head of a cave lion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alisdair Bredai was born in the forest of Cen on the lands of the clan McElnin. His family were hunsmen for the clan and upon failing to impress the warcheif training him to be a warrior began to dedicate to follow in his father's footsteps as a hunsman for the clan. Hunting expeditions were often long treks into dangerous wilderness that lasted several days and he would often write songs inspired by his hunting life to detir pedators and keep moral up. He continued this life under his older brother after his father died though he proved himself an unsucsessfull hunter. He would sometimes say that getting mauled by a cave bear during one of his hunts leaving him with a limp was the best thing that ever happened to him. "He wrote a poem in it's honour." For being left with no roll in the clan and a limp gave him the opertuinty to write songs constantly. In his teenage years he lived in a little stone croft on the banks of Loch Crren with his song maker grandparents and sustained himself by fishing while learning all there was to know about being a songmaker by trade.

Gender Identity





Received warrior and huntsman training from his father. Learned to play instruments from his grandparents and cousins


Employed (Always temporarily) by cruthi Kings and chieftains. notable employers are King Fearren, 'oakhair' MacRethin, Alpin McNessa, Runne 'wolf fang' NicGealis and Galgead the mountain. Huntsman of clan McElnin (Former)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mastered throat siging, bagpipes, low flute, horse hair harp, Mammoth violin, Bodhran and Cruthi Mandola. The first to use throat singing in an artistic form. Composed a total of 43 renowned poems and songs. everything from odes to kings and cheiftans to simple work shanties, even songs comemorating great battles and honouring the monsters of Chiora Was the first human songmaker to perform for the reclusive houndfolk of the Toscan and a giant cheiftain Became a figure of insperation and example for poets and songmakers for generations to come.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed his first trail, ever earned the right to be a warrior. Left with nothing upon the death of his father. Failed as a clan huntsman. Left with a perminent limp after surviving a cave bear attack.

Mental Trauma

The memory of failing as a warrior and huntsman. The memory of the death of his father. The bear attack. (Writing a song about it helped him overcome it)

Intellectual Characteristics

An ability to form poetic verse from virtually any subject.

Morality & Philosophy

He always believed that music was a great gift, often saying that song was one of the only ways to turn heartache, loss, pain and failure into somthing that people can more easily cope with and makes victory and triumph even more sweet.


He would never write music to mock or defame anyone.

Personality Characteristics


The simple love for poem and song as well as the need to distract people from the dangers of the land they call home Providing for his family Following the path of the godess Leirin

Likes & Dislikes

Likes music and singing likes roast meats, Dramheid (Mixure of whisky and honey.) and mead Likes Ceilidh dancing Dislikes Writer's block Dislikes negitive responsis to his songs Dislikes Cheiftains who ask him to write songs to mock their enemies

Virtues & Personality perks

Always tries to be a respectfull guest when performing, Never tries to eat or drink to much of his hoasts food and drink Always tries to be respectfull of criticism (In spite of his ego) Sees those he doesn't know as potental freind

Vices & Personality flaws

Loves a drink after a sucsessfull performence Has a bit of an ego


Washes every few days like a good Cruthi Very well groomed


Contacts & Relations

Fergus McElnin cheif of clan McElnin His brother Purrick

Family Ties

Married to Flora NicCallum Two children Angus and Ronah Grandparents

Religious Views

Sworn by blood to Leirin the doe godess of song A worshiper of the Cruthi religion

Social Aptitude

A confident and frendly extrovert Has a bit of an artistic ego though manages to controll it most of the time

Hobbies & Pets

He has a pet Chioran mouse owl he effectionatly named Brollech (Chestnut) Owns a Chioran tall poney named Brechid He still enjoys recreational fishing and often enters competitions


A smooth low pitch voice A deep singing voice Throat sings in various tones.

Wealth & Financial state

Makes enough money to live comfertably Considered a well off and wealthy indavidual by cruthi standards Equivilent to being upper middle class
Lawful neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Songmaker of Clan McElnin
68 at time of death
Date of Birth
34th Leopolden 204 BIA
Date of Death
7th Johansa 136 BIA
204 136
Circumstances of Birth
Born healthy though his mother did not survive
Circumstances of Death
Died of Pneumonia in his bed
Place of Death
Current Residence
Ball Darrudh
Dark green, round, small, wide
ginger, long, thick braid, braided beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Marble white, freckly
5ft 7in
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's Vicious dagger teeth ran dull fae shattered oaken timber hull then came a bloody, freezing cull of Selkie and of man" -The beast of Kirn "For it was I who came to yer lair wi murderous desire, and licked my lips when thinking of you frying in a pan of stone. What mortal being can blame thee then for shredding my leg? For I would do the same had it been my croft and you the raider" -For the bear who helped me find purpose "From the bush and tree and undergrowth the warriors fell upon them, Like Chiora herself had come to life and help her children thwart them, a thousand war cries shook the ground neath southern invaders feet, and further still when Feldish steel and cruthi Iron did meet." -Saga of Bràln wolf tooth
Adhradh Breathan (Worship of Brethan) (Cruthi Paganism)
Known Languages
Cruthi (Various dialects) Cruthi trade toungue Toscian Giant tounge


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