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Ritual of possession

The ritual of possession is a religious ceremony undergone by the Shamans of the Cruthi religion. It is when they are said to ascend into Tunndreille the realm of the many gods and spirits in a holy trance in order to be partially possessed by one of them to receive advice, guidance or ask forgiveness of sins on behalf of a worshipper. It is the most well known and iconic ritual in the breathenist religion and the one taken most seriously by the Cruthi people as they believe to be speaking directly to their gods.


It begins with lighting the fire and blowing the mammoth tusk horn. A libation follows where the shaman gives the being they hope to contact small gifts of milk, liquor, meat, threads, plants or silver depending on the god. The shaman then dons the mask and headdress and after a short prayer begins to beat his drum. As they do this they chant in spirit song a kind of Cruthi throat singing believed to be the soul itself singing to the rhythm of the drum, slow at first but gradually getting louder and faster. If successful the shaman's body will partially fail them resembling inebriation as the deity or spirit takes partial possession of the body. The beings become reportedly disorientated when possessing a human form and spend a short time with the aid of the shaman's helpers getting their bearings, such as feeling the ground beneath them, chewing grass, smelling the air or listening to birdsong. Wither the god is male or female they will communicate through the shaman in their own voice despite the shaman being a man or a woman. The shaman is also still present and consults with the being. When the ritual is concluded the shaman takes three deep breaths and on of the helpers gives a single loud beat of the drum, at the same time the another douses the fire. It is common for the shaman to discuss the being's advice while drinking tea and eating honeyed apples.

Components and tools

The basic four items required for the ritual are as follows. A blowing horn made from a mammoth tusk to get the attention of the gods, a hearth fire kindled with the dried leaves of a sacred tree to act as the gateway, a large skin prayer drum to induce the trance and the mask or veil of a shaman's headdress. The face covering is considered vital for if a worshipper should look in a shaman's eyes while under possession it is said to have dangerous consequences. Each shaman follows a specific god and the spirits attached to them and thus can only contact specific dieties.


Shamans are the ones that undergo the possession ritual with two or more helpers that aid them in preperation and while the shaman is entranced.


The ritual can be done at any time but it is not a very common practice as they do not wish to disturb the business of the gods too often. often it is done after tragidies, before making major life changing decisions or if worshippers or the shamans themselves are in dire need of godly wisdom or forgivness.
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