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The Imperial Gallowglass

I swear by the flesh of my body, the blood in my veins, the steel in my hand, my gods and my kinfolk of old my loyalty to the emperor and my brotherhood to the gallowglass. When the black lion roars for me I shall answer him without fear and stand proudly before whatever danger may face him. His enemies are mine, his happiness is mine. My life, my sword and my dying breath belong to him. As it belongs to my kin. Today I gain a clan and a family, my brothers and sisters of the gallowglass. Should but one be troubled I shall stand at my kin's side and keep them safe from harm. I will go forth with them in the shield wall and march with them at his majesty's command to the ends of the earth, to prosperity or poverty, to glory or the grave. As I draw for the first of many times the steel i my hand I sever the bonds of my past and into the noble gallowglass I am born anew. Drusta bless the gallowglass and long live the emperor!     Oath of the gallowglass


The Gallowglass are organised into the same command structure as a Cruthi army with the Warcheif at the top, though instead of taking his orders from a chieftain he takes his orders directly from the emperor. Below him are his captains which hold councils on strategy and command war-bands of about seven hundred or so warriors. Those war-bands are made up of ceatharns which are bands of about fifty to sixty warriors joined in a permanent bond and commanded by a bandleader elected by the warriors themselves.


The gallowglass are very reminissant of any other Cruthi clan, allbeit just a clan warrior class operating autonamousley. They speak moastly cruthi, eat cruthi food, sing cruthi songs, wear traditional Cruthi clothing when amongst themselves and openly worship the gods of their motherland. Drusta, the tiger godess of war with claws and fangs of tempered iron is prayed to very frequently. However when interacting with the towns around the castle they attempt to adopt some Vastrian ways such as wearing their clothes and speaking their tounge. Some vastrian influences have snuck their way into Castle Krußanburg, in particular their common love of meats and beers but also their literature, fashion and weapons. The Gallowglass are very closely bonded with each other existing as a sort of millitary brotherhood. For reasons for leaving home to join the faimed force are many and they hail all across Chiora and other relms, Some joining mearly for adventure and wealth while others seek to escape something. They enfesise that the Gallowglass is a single clan and that each warrior is brother and sister to each other and must never battle or cause each other harm. However competition between ceatharns is previlent and is even encoraged as a time honoured tradition. They compete over victory and success, wealth plunderd and deeds of courage and skill. As a way to pracrice tradition, train the body and settle rivalries between warbands it is not uncommon for Gallowglass to hold games and competitions amongs eachother in the grounds surrounding their castle, ranging from shinty matches and caber tossing to various combat sports.

Public Agenda

The gallowglass pride themselves on being the guardians of the Emperor and his family. They are sworn on their own flesh and blood to keep the Imperial family safe from harm, to uncover and foil any threats made against them, to conquer his enemies and bring glory to his name on the battlefield. They also seek to maintain their reputation as a highly effective mercenary company. When the many sub-states of the empire engage each other in feuding the gallowglass may be contracted by one side in their warring so long as it does not disrupt the interests of the emperor who is their main priority. They may also conduct independent plundering expeditions against enemy nations during times of war


Along with their regular pay from the emperor and profits from taking mercenary contracts and plunder they own a great deal of land around the castle and employ locals to produce lumber, grain, furs and silver which they export. They have warehouses and stalls in bustling markets throughout the empire where they sell valuables stolen on raiding expeditions and from trade with Chiora. They also provide security for merchant companies traversing the Tiern river making them immensely wealthy. They put this wealth to good use investing their funds into smithies and workshops to make high quality weapons and armour, so much so that they are the best equipped army in Vastria. They also sink money into breeding fine warhorses, funding their intelligence network, adapting to every change in warfare, having the best training facilities, keeping their gunpowder and shot stores well stocked, giving their warriors high quality food and even keeping a fleet of thirteen warships. However the clearest symbol of their prosperity is in castle Krußanburg itself. Once little more than a fortified chateau it is now a great bastion, encompassing the whole of a lake island and stretching out to the soar. Its tall white walls and towers display their success for miles around. The gallowglass have expanded it many times over the centuries and outfitted it with the best defences money can buy. The inside of the castle is just much of an expression of their wealth. The gallowglass enjoy a variety of comforts such as good quality food, an near endless supply of alcohol, libraries, an artificial hot spring and a state of the art heating system. The halls within are decorated with the art styles of the Cruthi in particular dark lacquered wood and swirling knot work designs. The walls are bedecked with tapestries from Chiora and the trophies of their many triumphs. Their battles are depicted in the art styles of their homelands. Within its deepest reaches is the black vault which holds the riches of the Gallowglass amassed over two centuries and continues to grow. It also holds the fortunes of the warriors each of whom is assigned a lock chest where they may keep safe their personal riches.


Bad was the luck of the Empire's foes on the day good Freidrich found the long ships
  The early reign of Freidrich the 4th was a time of division and uncertainty. He took the crown at seventeen following the assassination of his father and his empire is plagued by many internal revolts from disloyal princes. Taking advantage of this the great kingdom of Fealdland invades contested provinces of the empire and seems to be holding plans to push even further into the empire. Rumours of spies and assassination plots were rife and a paranoia had swept Luschen. When it was discovered that his own Imperial bodyguard was plotting to hand him over to one of the usurpers Freidrich fled to the frontier city of Hendzen. There he plans to consolidate his forces and crush the revolts, the only problem is he has no idea who he can trust. He has been betrayed far too often and knows that in order to survive he will need a personal force of loyal fighters to protect him, crush his enemies and secure his empire. And as almost by divine providence he gets his answer. He is given a report of a huge fleet of dreaded long-ships in the bay of Bruten. It is believed they are Cruthi reivers from the land of Chiora to the north east who have been raiding across the continent of Seldia for the last two hundred years. But alongside the Cruthi are their cousins, raiders from the great empire of the Urş Tsahunn who have conquered the Everwild to the north and have never loved the Vastrians. Instead of sending a force to chase them off Freidrich decides to make a deal. He meets them in the bay under a banner of truce and he discovers that this raiding party is jointly commanded by two exiled princes who have joined forces to go on a raiding expedition to the far south lands of Annabar. He offers them the chance to become his personal military force. If they defeated his rivals and kept him alive he would see that each and every one of them became rich beyond what they thought possible. He told them of the wealth of his enemies they could plunder and how poets would sing of their glory for ages to come. He sweetened it with the Cruthi Prince by mentioning that his lands were being troubled by the Fealdish who are the mortal enemies of the Cruthi. After a long night of discussing, negotiating and eventually feasting and drinking the Emperor got what he wanted. Eight thousand of the most brutal warriors in the world swear an oath on their flesh and blood to serve him. They are called the northern guard but they call themselves gallóglaigh meaning foreign warrior. From this they will become known as the imperial gallowglass. In four years they had crushed the usurper factions, driven the Fealdish out of Vastria, uncover many conspirators and foiled seven assassination attempts on the emperor. As the emperor's personal bodyguard they gain a reputation for being incorruptible and the emperor is never seen without them at his side. They are also his spies and assassins, striking fear into the hearts of those who would appose the emperor.Though they are deeply distrusted by Vastrian society the emperor has come to put great value in them. With every victory and tale told of them their legend had spread throughout the world, particularly in Chiora and the Tsahunn where tales of their glory and wealth encourages many more to join them. As Freidrich begins to expand the empire the gallowglass are at the forefront, fighting gloriously and crushing every foe sent before them. In return for their faithful service Freidrich designates them an order of the Lion crown and bestows upon them the castle of Krußanburg in Osthenbride which will become their permanent home. For two centuries they have served the Emperors of Vastria to the point where it seems you cannot have one without the other.

"Never to falter"

Founding Date
2738 HR
Military, Mercenary Group
Alternative Names
Nordgarde, Silk savages, The Emperor's rum barrels, Kreigshunden
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Official Languages
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