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The river Mathair (Ma hir)


While no cartographer has managed to map the river with any great degree of acuracy, it is known that it flows from Loch Ruvin in the northwest frostlands of the main island of Kellsa, where it's rapids thunder through the great highlands and steppes. When it runs down through the center of Chiora the river widens immensely and separates many times forming a series of interconnecting tributaries and river islands that go on for miles and miles. This great expanse of water and river surrounded by dense forests, cold swamps and peat bogs is known as the Mathair river delta. The river pours into the sea at both the east and the west coasts of Chiora, It's most recognizable opening being the Clan Calradyin port city of Invermathair.

Ecosystem Cycles

In the frostland regon where the river runs in the high mountains, parts of the river freeze in winter slowing the flow for the whole river. This is also the time where most folk huddle in their villiges and crofts to wait out the cold, the wulver clans are no different. This is also the time when the great beasts of the frostlands migrate to the south, instinctivly following the river to reach the southern grazing lands. During the springtime the beasts of the delta emerge from hibernation, making the predators more active in the spring. In the autumn the salmon migration takes place. Hundreds of salmon swim up the river from the sea to breed. Ospreys, bears, crocodiles and Wulver fisherfolk flock to migration paths to take advantage.

Localized Phenomena

During the late summer months the entirety of the Mathair river delta is enveloped in a bright blue glow. This is known in Chiora as the mother's light. It is caused by bioluminecent algea known as Lumonetsi anakista that clings to the riverbed.

Fauna & Flora


Salmon,   Various trout,   Pike,   perch,   Dregpike,   barbel,   grayling,   zander,   Chioran black bass,   Rhizodont,   Giant River sawfish,   Sturgeon,   Delta shark,  

Other Aquatic fauna (Waterbeast)

  Chioran crocodile,   Boar crocodile,   Titan crocodile,   Freshwater plesiosaur,   Lesser Kelpie,   Mathair whale,   Giant Loch Otter,   Pine beaver,   Titan boa,   Giant bog salamander,   River dragons (Spinosaurus, Baryonyx, Suchomimus)  

Frequent land fauna

  Roe deer,   Choran wildcat,   Frostland cave lion,   Chioran Mammoth   Red squirrel,   Snowshoe hare,   Pine martin,   Whitetail deer,   Reindeer,   Tall Hyena   Grey wolf   Oaken wolf     Great Chioran elk,   Moose,   Red deer,   Swift dragons ( Most common- Utahraptor, Deinonychus)   High beasts ( Most common- Brachiosaurus, Apatosarus, Camerosaurus, Titanosaurus)     Great dragons (Most common- Tyrannosaurus, Carcharodontasaurus, Tarbosaurus, Allosaurus, Saurophaganax, Dilophosaurus, Therezinosaurus)   Grazer beasts (most common- Parasaurolophus, Ornithomimus, Miasaura, Camptosaurus, Lambeosaurus)   Horn beasts (Most common- Tricerotops, Taurosaurus, Styracosaurus)   stonebacks ( Most common- Saichania, Edmontonia, Ankylosaurus)   Saber toothed tiger,   Tree lion,   Black bear,   Cave bear,   Great honey bear,  

Birds and flying reptiles

  Heron,   Mallard duck,   Eider   Theostian goose,   Partridge,   Pheasant,   Golden eagle,   Osprey,   kingfisher,   black cormorant,   Microraptor,   Chioran Griffin owl,   Dimorphodon,   Pterosaurs,   Terror birds,  


  Arthropleura,   Chioran giant dragonfly,   Chioran burrow spider,   Midges,   pond skaters,   ant lions,   Various butterflies,  

Plant life

  Oak,   Ash,   Fir trees,   Lumonetsi Anakista (Luminescent lake algae),   Reeds,   Various algae,   lily pads,   plum tree,   Chestnut,   Heather,   Thistles,   Bloma Enfarisa (Inscense flowers)   Wildflowers,   Wild garlic,   Chioran high grass,

Natural Resources

Fish,   Meat,   Warmblood Leather,   dragon leather (Dinosaur leather),   Fir wood,   Oak wood,   Beaver pelt,   dragon feathers,   Eiderdown,   Claws,   Bone,   Iron,   Incense flowers (smoke petals)   Juniper,   Bogwood,   deer antler,   elk antler,   moose antler,   Antelope horn,   Mammoth Ivory,   peat,   furs,   Silver,   Gemstones,   herbs,   honey,


First settlers

It is unknown when the river became the great road of opportunity and commerce it is today but it is commonly accepted that long before it had first been tamed by the Wulver clans. This race of peace loving, semi nomadic wolf folk live humbly as hunter gatherers, populating small fishing villages at every stage of the river. Wulver play an active part in river commerce, often being hired as guides for navigation, running safe harbors, trading posts and inns as well as sailing to the lands of other races to barter and trade themselves. The Wulver's kind and peaceful nature and vast knowledge of the river and it’s secrets has attracted the attention of the Cruthi shamans. The scriptures of the Shamanistic religion of the Cruthi states that because it is the source of life for countless beasts and people the river is Attributed to the spirit Locánna the patron godess of mothers (Where the river gets its name) Because the Wulver have lived by it's banks for as long as anyone can remember and have protected and cared for it for countless years, it has been determined that the Wulver were given the river by the gods and have been given the title of 'custodians of the Mathair'. The shamans deemed the Wulver to be under the safeguard of the gods and because all cruthi clans and kingdoms follow the same religion the Wulver towns and communities are safe from raids, they are kept out of clan vendettas and they are treated with the same respect and kindness they give their inland neighbors. Despite this the stories of those who have witnessed the rare occasions when the Wulver dispensed justice after being raided (Usually by pirates) or have been wronged are graphic to say the least. And though they are the most loved and respected race in Chiora they are not to be trifled with, for they know secrets of the river that even the most powerfull cheiftains dare not ask.  


Despite the religious significance of the river and the peace loving nature of its inhabitants the Mathair has seen it's share of conflict. Chiora is a land of vicious clan rivalries and almost ceaseless civil wars. Clans often clash on the river over trade routs, tolls, trading posts, hunting grounds or simply just for plunder. The many trade ships and market villages of other clans make for rich pickings for rival raiding parties. And in territories where trade tariffs are higher such as the lands of the infamously extortionate clan Thainnrost organized smuggling became a very profitable enterprise for their enemies.  

The Mathair Uprising

In the 1770s ACR when the kingdoms of Fealdland, Andovaria, Asprier and several Vastrian imperial houses sent a great expeditionary force to invade Chiora it was the river that decided the fate of Chiora and the Cruthi people. The river was probably one of the most strategically important positions in Chiora as it connected the invasion force together as they fought on multiple fronts and was used to transport soldiers and supplies to different fronts. After liberating his homeland of the archipelago known as the grotto Islands, the young chief Malcolm McNessa set about using the river to severe the lifeline of the invasion. Using his new fleet of galleys and warships and with the help of clans Calradyin, McRonah, McLarne, Kollraith and the Wulver clans they embarked on a brutal guerilla campaign to wrestle control of the river from the invaders. They would attack invading ships, raid the farms of wealthy settlers and planters, burn supply stores and safe harbours and seize back forts and settlements on the river delta. With every passage they cleared more routs throughout the continent would open and his fleet would traverse the great river to cut off supplies to the invaders as well as bring vital assistance to the besieged clans. This campaign slowed the invasion down immensely and weekened the invasion as such that the Cruthi armies could put up a real fight. They pushed the invasion back until 143 when the expedition after their many defeats withdrew from Chiora entirely. In recognition for this effort every Wulver clan gave the Clan McNessa toll free trade in their settlements and the king Nium of the Tuldannoch promoted Murdoch from a minor clan chief to the first Lord of the grotto Islands.


As well as being a major rout for inter tribal commerce and communication the river, particularly in the frostlands, lochs and delta has some of the best hunting and fishing grounds in Chiora. The wulver clans often host fishing tournaments amongst themselves and it is not rare for human, toscan and even giants with a passion for angling and harpooning to participate. The great herds that migrate allong the banks of the rivers edge as well as the predators that stalk them from the woods and of course from the river itself lures in huntsmen from all over Chiora to test themselves and bring back an abundance of meat and great trophies.   During the summer Phenomenon known as the 'mother's light' when bioluminecent algae resting at the river bed causes the waters of the delta to glow the shade of sapphire the festival of the mother and the Kelpie is held. It is to honor Locánna the patron godess of all mothers of whom the river is Attributed and Stretta the spirit of the river itself. After a shaman of each God gives thanks and sacrifice followed by an hour of prayer the celebrations begin with mariners and traiders being invited to join the festivities with their wulver hosts. The festival can be seen on every island in the delta with great feasts of fish and water beast, partaking in the sacrament of blessed mead and whisky (As well as the unblessed veriety) and dancing great Ceilidhs into the night.
Alternative Name(s)
The great mother river, the Wulver road
Location under
Owning Organization


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Jun 1, 2022 19:21

You are doing some good worldbuilding here especially with the history of the river. The summation of the fauna is a bit weird though especially in the way you went with it. I would either summarise it or remove that section.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!