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"It is said that in times forgotten by the very land itself, something miraculous was witnessed by the most unlikely of creatures, a tiny lizard. A star made of crystals crossed the night sky followed by streaks made up of colors never seen before. the streaks stretched throughout the night sky, leaving a warm multicolored rain in it's wake, and as the rain touched the ancient desert it slowly began creeping into the crevice the lizard was hiding in and as the rain touched the little animal, it morphed and changed, and as the rain ended the lizard stood on two legs, and as it began admiring the beautiful nightsky, it uttered it's first words "Chyda Ahiyu'h" -Scholar Kaepha K.a Pheha.     The Lycror or the Hiici'ho as they refer to themselves are a anthropomorphic reptilian race of immense size that reside in the massive desert called "the land of Scorched Dust", and have been around since a time that even the land itself has forgotten, despite this they have a large amount of influence on the worlds stage they largely keep to themselves because they believe in neutrality and peace.     Their society is mainly made up of matriarichal tribes or other forms of government and local rule, all vowing to serve a central government and it's Empress which have sole command over the country's armies, in return for this vow they get a lot of autonomy. The reason for Ahiyu'hayae being a Matriarichal society is that the male population is cast out of settlements when they're old enough to fend for themselves and often end up as Adventurers, Bounty hunters, Traders, Cartographers and most other work that's considered rural or in the field. As reflected in their religion the Lycror place a large importance on cultural values and their faith, a example of this is their Funeral ceremony which goes as following; when a Lycror passes away their corpse is given to a dedicated workshop. This workshop specializes in the removal of scales from lycror bodies, these scales are then given back to the family of the dead lycror, the family then used the scales in the creation of a piece of armor, weapon or another type of family heirloom like a teapot or a vase, some more psychically inclined Lycror can hear whispers of their passed away loved ones eminating from the item made from the scales. Then the funeral starts, first the body is submerged in Nèn and then the corpse gets disposed of in a way reminiscent of the lycror's life, as a example the corpse of a hunter is left in the wild to be eaten by predators, or the corpse of a farmer is buried under their field so they can fertilize the soil one last time.     Outside of it's large importance on culture and religion aswell as it's matriarichal society, the Lycror also have developed a strong merchant culture which happened because of their ease traversing their desert homeland.     The traditional Lyror meals are composed of a mix of small animals, red meat, and a variety of spices. Their involvement with spice trading is so significant that many spices of different colors have been attributed qualities such as strength, love, and good luck. Each household has its own secret recipe, passed down from generation to generation, with each new generation adding a different ingredient. This has resulted in an enormous variety of traditional dishes. Some spices are more popular than others, with the most popular ones being:Turmeric, Sumac, Annatto, Cardamom, Matcha Powder, Sichuan Peppercorns, Ground Mustard Seeds.     The Lyror wear fine silk clothing, which they buy with the money they make from spice trading, since it helps them stay cool in the desert and also serves as a symbol of their success as merchants. It is not uncommon for a merchant to spend a significant portion of his earnings on the finest silk clothing available.   Richer Lycror will adorn their clothing with gold ornaments to showcase their status, and will often wear complementary items such as hats and canes.     The Lycror are often referred to as lizards or "the scaled ones" by foreigners, and although this being seen as a slur or insult it has roots in their biology and appearance, because despite being anywhere from 4 to 5 and a half meters long they have a lot of traits in common with lesser lizards and desert reptiles, such as that they are coldblooded, possess tails, horns and multiple eyelids. The eyelids are too protect the eyes from harm such as scorching temperatures, this in turn also improves their vision, but has the downside that they degrade over time causing poor vision in older Lycror, due to the enviroment they have lived in they are used to the harsh sun and are almost impervious to extreme heat because of it. the Lycror are omnivores.

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