
Entelthir is the goddess of punishment. She is said to despise who break rules and laws, and take pleasure in their punishment. Her followers tend to be those with strong attachments to rules and an orderly society and are angered and disgusted by those who would violate it. They are usually willing and often eager to harm lawbreakers and devients.
  Her more devout followers are known to form bands to track down violaters of order. When violaters are found they are punished, often in violent, brutal, and sometimes exhibitory ways. Some particularly violent people who are less comitted to order will sometimes join these gangs, using them as opportunities for violent acts.

Divine Domains

Death, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A whip surrounded by lighning.

Tenets of Faith

Beyond following rules and punishing those who break them, Entelthir has no other rules of her own, merely requiring her worshipers to follow any rules that they come accross.
Lawful Evil