
Gorrattam, known as the great maker, is the first being known to have existed. When Gorrattam found himself alone, he began to create. What drives his relentless work is unknown, but he seems not to have a reason to stop. He created the most basic parts of every plane of existence, and has likely created worlds beyond those which are known. He also designed the laws of nature themselves, such as gravity and inertia. Gorratam created a few beings to keep him company, though he rarely visits them. These beings have become known as the gods.
  At first, his worlds were very basic, crudely shaped and completely devoid of life. The other gods have since then added to Gorrattam's worlds where they found them lacking, creating the worlds as they are today. Gorrattam cared little of what happened to his worlds after their creation, and allows the other gods to do with them as they wish.
  Of all the gods, Gorrattam is the most powerful. Unlike all the other's he is omnipotent and infinitely powerful. However, he cares for little besides continuing his work, only interacts with the other gods, having no contact of any kind with mortals.
  Gorrattam's worshipers are relatively rare, as he has little interaction with the world. They tend to be those who put great value on work, and on engrossing themselves deeply in it, sometimes to the exclusion of all else beyond basic necessities. They are often a bit absentminded and a little antisocial, and tend to care about little beyond their own personal projects.

Divine Domains

Forge, life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gorrattam's symbol is a circle with a series of curved lines inside it that run from the center to the edge. These lines all curve the same direction at the same angle, creating a spiral pattern. Often, each section of the spiral is painted a different color, and is said to represent infinite creation.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Work hard on what drives you.
  2. If someone else does not understand your devotion to your work, ignore them. You are the only one who needs to understand.