
Kyrak is the god of magic. He granted some of the first mortals a small piece of his own power, allowing them to do things contrary to the laws of nature and physics, similar to the gods but on a much smaller scale. Unlike clerics, who are granted power by a god for that god's own purposes, the power given by Kyrak, magic, is no longer directly connected to any god and is usable by mortals for their own purpose. Kyrak is said to have angered the other gods by granting this power, and is somewhat of a pariah among many of the divine.   His followers are mostly magic users and those who revere them. Some even worship Kyrak in hopes of gaining the ability to use magic, though aside from his clerics this is not known to happen. Kyrak encourages his followers to reject the barriers put in place by others and follow their own path, as he did when he brought magic to the world.

Divine Domains

Life, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A small flame against a dark background.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Follow your own path in spite of the barriers of others.
  2. Don't let society hold you back.
  3. Make use of magic if you can, for you are lucky to have it.
Chaotic Neutral