
Naria is the goddess of luck, patronĀ of future events yet unknown. She is often considered to represent the reverse of her twin sister Etheria, though neither the sisters or their churches tend to be at odds. Naria and her angels are said to have spent a great deal of time inserting chaos into minor aspects of the world, and her name is often praised or cursed by those who come to great fortune or disaster. Naria's worshippers tend to those who embrace chaos and chance, and often avoid following prescribed ways of doing things. Many avoid putting great effort into tasks, believing their actions to have limited effect on what ultimately transpires.

Divine Domains

Life, trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A die

Tenets of Faith

  1. Anything can happen.
  2. Embrace the unexpected.
  3. Take the path less travelled.
Chaotic Neutral