
Terthys is the goddess of tactics and strategy. Her followers are primarily generals and others military commanders, along with some common soldiers and a smattering of the most analytical bandits and other criminals. They tend to be careful and contemplative on decisions whenever they can be, seeing great value and even taking pride in this. Before acting on a plan, such as a battle strategy, they usually take care to plan out all possibilities, some going to great lengths to perfect them. Most keep a close hold on their emotions, and though few are opposed to violence when they see utility in it they almost never act out of anger.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, war

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mounted knight or a map. The later can very significantly and are often greatly detailed at the larger temples.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Take great care in all actions.
  2. Do not act without a plan.
  3. Avoid and condemn rash and impulsive behavior.