
Throk is the god of storms and rage. He is said to be obsessed with a slight now remembered only by him, which has propelled his unending anger for many thousands of years, and drives him to create storms. His worshipers tend to be those who are themselves driven by rage, seeing it as a natural and even desirable reaction to their perceived slights, and some even coming to revel in it. Many of these worshipers are not evil themselves, but have come to follow Throk after embracing intense anger that arose from legitimate wrongs done to them.

Divine Domains

Death, Tempest, and War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lightning bolt or storm cloud. These symbols are usually seen on clothing, jewlery, and tattoos as few temples to Throk exist, with most of his followers preferring to worship outdoors, often in inclement weather.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Embrace you anger.
  2. Destroy those who have wronged you.
Chaotic Evil