
Weroga is the goddess of swamps, dampness, and decay. She despises the other gods and enjoys watching their creations slowly dissolve, crumble, and especially rot away. She also sees this as a twisted kind of duty, to clean up what the other gods make to keep the world from becoming too cluttered.
  She has relatively few worshipers, and is known by most people simply through scary stories about her and her cultists whispered to children around campfires. Those that do follow her are those who embrace and often revel in the same slow, creeping destruction that her followers insist comes for everything in existence. They are typically at least somewhat antisocial, often living deep in swamps alone or in small groups. Most offer frequent sacrifices, of sentient creatures if possible, and leave what remains to rot away in the swamp waters outside their dwellings.

Divine Domains

Death, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mushroom, or in larger displays a rotting corpse.

Tenets of Faith

  1. All comes to an end, embrace it.
  2. Revel in the suffering and decay of the creatures that crowd and overpopulate the world.
Neutral Evil