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Race & Racism In The Empire

Races in the Obsidian Islands

All races that are not humans are treated as third rate citizens with the exception of Elves and Dwarves who are treated as second class citizens in most situations. These two races lent power to the humans during the initial formation of the Obsidian Empire. Dwarves and Elves are granted a symbolic representation within the governing council of the King, but any vote they cast does not factor into any vote tallying.  


Created by Cerena, The Maiden of Seasons to nurture and look after her other worldly creations. Elves trace their heritage back to the flush forests on the Island of Silva Corvus. Of all the races she created these were the most war like, willing to defend groves and their sister races. Eldrin were the original race of Elf created, embodying all four seasons perfectly. Sub-races and factions formed from the Eldrin focusing on different elements of life and study. tutelage   In the modern day Empire the Elves are the keepers of most arcane knowledge. People who wish to study the Arcane art, or are born with an innate magic power are required to study within one of the two schools they founded thousands of years ago. These colleges have been turned into a perveted version of their original intention, they are now mainly used to indoctrinate and control Arcane users.   Elves are given a special status within the Empire because of the assistance their Arcane users provided during The Great War.


The hearty and stubborn Dwarves are one of Del'Trend's finest creations, they are able to thrive in the harshest of conditions. Dwarves were originally found on the brutally cold island Permafrost famous for its high icy mountains rich with metals and minerals as sturdy as the dwarves themselves. Dwarves have a honed an alternate way of harnessing magic in the form of Runes. Combining the energy of Fae and binding it with divine magic they are able to create physical enchantments that are unrivaled in strength. Their ingenuity has also led them to try and understand and reverse engineer the lost technology found in the Scrapheap on the island of Shinty Krig. Over the years this had led to the rediscovery of: Gunpowder weapons, engines, mechanical devices and war constructs.   Recently the dwarves have begun experimenting with combustible engines in their most crude and rudimentary form. However, their grasp on the technology is not as great as their original creator.   Dwarves have been given a special status in the empire having lent their understanding of Arcane runes, siege weaponry and subduing the other races in the coldest sections of Permafrost.


These mischievous small individuals live life as recklessly as possible, as any other way would be just boring. Most of these green pint sized bundles of energy never see adulthood, dying from their reckless adventures and carefree lifestyle. Goblins were originally placed in the Prime Plane on the island of Shinty Krig by Naullus, The Tactician. Originally created to support the other races that Naullus brought them to the Prime Plane, they soon came into their own and became one of his favorites always causing mischief and mayhem during the most opportune times.


Created to be Nallus's warriors in battle, while they lack the intelligence to create their own tactics and strategy they make up for it in brute strength and endurance. During the Great War the warbands of the Orc tribes amongst the most feared by the Obsidian Brotherhood. shepherdingcivilizationcivilization  


Naullus's most intellectual creation, the Hobgoblins served as his tacticians for his armies when there was fighting among the different gods. Their purpose was to lead their Nallus's other creations (Giants, Goblins, Orcs, Bugbears) into battle using their superior intellect and leadership skills to overcome victories that would not normally be possible. Unlike Nallus's other creations, Hobgoblins are able to adapt easily to any civilization, becoming very successful in their business ventures.


This large and hearty race traces their ancestry back to the first human settlers on the island of Permafrost that were captured by the Giants that lived along the coast during the harsh winter months. Goliaths are the result of crossbreeding between human's and giants gaining best traits from both species. Originally considered outcasts from both species, eventually there was enough populous within the giant's tribes that the Goliaths formed their own tribes high in the mountains of Permafrost. While very uncommon, Goliaths still interbreed with giants and more commonly humans.


Formed in the image of their creator, Indae, The Archivist to be caretakers of his library in the Plane of Knowledge. Their job was meticulously catalog and preserve the books owned by Indae. Gnomes embody intelligence, ingenuity, and inquisitive. These traits led to their own downfall as they were forbidden from opening up books of about the Arcane as Indae knew it would lead to destruction if not handled properly. Their inquisitive nature caused them all to be banished from the Grand Library in shame.   When they were banished to the Obsidian Islands they were thrown to the underground for generations until they finally found the surface. Some of their race chose to stay underground and are now known as Deep Gnomes. To this day the story of their down fall is passed down from generation to generation in hopes of one day they might redeem themselves in the eye of Indae and allowing them to return.


While Dwarves are known for their craftsmanship, they pale in comparison to the race the Del'Trend created in his own image. Minotaurs are loyal beings that cherish all forms of crafting and devoutly serve their creator even till this day. Minotaurs tend to be quiet individuals whom only speak or act when needed, preferring diplomacy over violence. However when the proper time calls their calm demeanor is replaced by that of a wild beast that is only rivaled in strength and bloodthirst by the Orcs and Goliaths.   Minotaurs live in a symbiotic relationship with their dwarf cousins whom provide them with the best crafting materials found in return they provide them with master craft tools, weapons and armor, as well as training. The Minotaur race is small in number as they choose to only have very few offspring over their long lifespan.


The citizens of the Obsidian islands know very little about the Changelings except for the fact that they have been envied and feared equally. They live a life of constant fear, afraid they might be turned in, hunted down to be used in experiments, or killed.   Unknown to the citizens of the Obsidian Islands, Changelings trace their ancestry back to Chaos, the original entity. In addition to the Avatars, Chaos's corpse also created the race of changelings embodying his unlimited potential. Changelings can change their shape at will, mimicking almost any living entity with near perfect recreation. This race of shifters are both male and female being able to change their amorphous anatomy to fit the role they wish to embody with their changeling partner. Often times this gender of choice reflects the solid form they choose to impersonate when out interacting with society.   If two Changelings come in physical contact with one another, that section of their bodies start to revert back to their amorphous shape. This evolutionary trait has allows Changelings the ability to safely identify one another without the fear of revealing them to someone they don't intend.


The last race to be created by Cerena, these pint size joyful bags of fun tend to thrive in reclusive locations where they are left alone. Halfings are by nature very resourceful and can build a village just about anywhere, cliff face, bog, rolling hills, forest no problem! Halflings like most of Cerena's creations work with nature and help nurture it and only take what is absolutely necessary. Granted a Halfling does eat a fair bit more than someone who their size should be able to stuff in their face. This small race packs quite the punch when it comes to being natural tricksters, pulling pranks on one another, but most commonly tourists and visitors of their small villages are a favorite of theirs.


Like their creator Etho intended Dragonborns live long lives dedicated to duty, truth and honor. In Dragonborn society's an individual is only worth as good as their reputation, once that is foregone they are marked and become an outcast of their societies which is then passed on to their descendants as well. The rest of the races that inhabit the Obsidian Islands see Dragonborn as trustworthy individuals, duty bound, their word is their bond.


A Tiefling is born under a few circumstances: they can trace demon or devil blood back in their ancestry, or their bloodline has been infected or cursed by a demon or devil. Tieflings are most commonly born in to human families but do also show up in all other humanoid races as well. People react to Tieflings with a variety of responses, from utter horror to exotic beauty depending on their exposure and upbringing. Tielfings by nature are not evil, but in some instances receive the bad end of the stick and end up negatively reinforcing the societal pressures on them.


Aasimar are as populous as Tieflings but can blend into society much easier than their counterparts. An Aasimar is born under a few conditions: someone in their family tree once had a child with a divine being such as a God or celestial, their family was blessed directly by a God. Aasimar heritage can show up in any of the humanoid races that were created by a divine being.

Racism in the Obsidian Islands

Some of the human citizens within the islands will not serve non-humans in their establishments. There are two types of signs that are hung outside of shops that indicate which clientele they do not serve. The most common is the painting of a large scale symbol with two smaller symbols drawn at the feet of the scale, a book and a pick axe. These three symbols represent the humans (scales), elves (books), and dwarves (pickaxe). The second sign just shows the scales, which means that they only serve humans at that establishment.   The vocal minority of humans believe that their race is superior in every fashion to their counterparts. That they rule because of the divine right granted to them by their King. Speaking otherwise is to speak against the king and the religious upbringing that they have been indoctrinated into. There are however humans within the Empire that do not buy off on the racial superiority rhetoric. They keep their heads down low in fear of being blasted as a sympathizer, and possibly abused or sold into slavery.   The other races didn’t assist the humans with controlling their empire and revolted in the early times. Because of this they are treated in a subservient manner that grants them less rights. You will find these races more prone to crime as it is harder for them to find employment. Non-humans are also way more likely to become a slave though many means.


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