BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The prime religion among mankind. Their original religious texts have been lost. It is preached that the humans were put on the Prime Plane to rule over all the other subservient races. Originally seen as a radical sect of another faith hundreds of years ago the Order of Light gained followers because it promised power and wealth to the human race. At the time the humans were in one of the worse of situations compared to the other races due to their weaker bodies, minds and grasp of arcane magic.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Unwavering loyalty and faith to the Order of Light will bring good fortune, wealth and power to your family and your fellow humans.
  2. Exert your superiority to the other races. It has been ordained that you are a higher being.
  3. Do not question the Arch Priest, his words are that of Baltrax himself.
  4. Do only good in the eyes of humankind do not worry yourselves of lesser beings
Religious, Organised Religion


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