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The Lifegivers

Tortles, Sea Elves, Locathah and those that depend on the ocean for their livelihood have been known to pay homage to Tritus. While the other gods focused on creating the lands of the Prime Plane, Tritus created water, the essence of life so that all living things may survive. He molded the depths of the ocean away from the prying eyes of his fellow gods becoming highly suspicious of them over time. It is very common for sailors whom pray to one god also pay homage to Tritus to ask for safe passage while on the open sea.  

Tenants Of Faith

  1. All life must pay respect to Tritus without him nothing would survive.
  2. Do not taint the water supply, doing so is to bring death.

The ocean can support life as easy as it is to take it.

Religious Iconography: Crested waves over coral Home Plane: Water


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