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Titans are the highest tier of gods that have influence on the Prime Plane. While they are not the original entities within the universe they helped shape the current reality and other planes that exist today.
Titans are immortal and impervious to all except the weapons crafted by Del’Trend within his fortress on the Plane of Fire. In very rare instances have the Titans been mortally wounded or killed.
The Titan gods are neither infallible or omnipotent, having made many bade decisions much like their own creations. The gods only know the information that their devotees have relayed to them in mass. A single thought in most instances will not reach the ear of a Titan unless many others have the same information.

Primordial Titans

Del’Trend, The Forge Keeper Cerenae, The Maiden of Seasons  

Elder Titans

Tritus, The Life Giver Gaeltrae, The Songstress Balatrax, The Light Bringer

Contemporary Titans

Albion Indae Ethos


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