Circle of Sorcery Organization in Obsidian Lands | World Anvil
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Circle of Sorcery

The Circle of Sorcery reigns over any and all things magical. They're both a guard force, a place of knowledge and a group of mercenaries at the same time. The circle itself is situated in Dievant, and changes places every two weeks to avoid infiltration or any other threats. The building consists of seven towers, all of which are ruled by seven masters; people who are the champions of their preferred school of magic. Each tower is dedicated to the study of one school, although the schools often work together because the lines between certain types of magic are very easily blurred. There are seven Masters, about a hundred Advancers and some tens of witchers. The masters all reign over a certain school of magic, each being an expert at their preferred school.     The current reigning members are:   Marigold Geneva, Grand Alchemist   Nora Brightridge, Necromancer and Blood Mage   Valammar Kvarg, a Warrior Warg and Transmuter   Sidole Linaya, Expert Conjurer   Hendrik Maribor, Protector and Barrier Mage   Clavion Thillidae, Illusionist and Diviner   Quinlan Avias, Master Healer     The Circle has a base situated in the capital of Dievant, Vitri, where the Circle can generally be reached. The Circle is contacted usually by letter, but can aso be reached through a familiar, or a magical way to send word. After receiving a request, the Circle sends whoever they see most fit for the job. These are divided into three categories; The Advancers, Witchers, or the Masters.   The Masters, obviously, are the people in charge of the whole institution. The seven members noted above meet once a month to discuss the future of magic, any significant events that might affect the Circle's activity and the general state of the world. The Masters are also teachers, helpers, and offer assistance should someone need it. Sometimes they might even take on commissions sent for the Circle, if the problem is dire enough. These instances are incredibly rare, but not unheard of.   The Advancers are the general work force of the Circle. They take on most of the commissions sent to the Circle and their job is to solve the magical problems of the world. Advancers live away from the Circle tower, where the Masters meet and where the training of all members occurs. They also take on the role of teachers, assisting beginner mages or families with magically adept children.   The third option is to send a Witcher. This is usually the case if the trouble is caused by a monster, a fiend or a demon. They are usually traveling on the road instead of staying put in one place.   Every acknowledged member of the circle is given an amulet after they finish their training, through which they can communicate with other members and the Masters. They are mostly used for reaching traveling members so they can be given their commissions.

Public Agenda

To retain peace, and to protect commoners from magical mishaps.


The Circle of Sorcery was originally founded for the few and far between magically adept to band together and find something in common. It was a group where they could study and research in peace, without too many prying eyes. With time and several strange feats, the Circle gained fame, and a select few govern over the small guild. These days the Circle is mostly a keeper of order when it comes to magic.
Guild, Mages
Notable Members

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