The Library of Lost Prayers

Castaway words rescued here for their honesty

A magical expanse within the Temple of Pseudeo. It houses all prayers from the people of Obsidianreach that were said to no one God in particular. The most honest desires and desperations of people come through when they abandon their own faith to plead with anyone who will listen.    Rows and rows of books on staggering shelves fall in a line down a single massive hallway. The prayers of all those that abandon their faith to speak their ultimate truth can be found here. At the very end of the hall are the Centaur and the Griffon. Protectors of the most powerful secret to be kept on the island of Everpeak. The confessions of a gnome named Badger Scumbleduck and his attempt to undo the wrong he had a hand in causing. A key with gnomish ciphers that leads to The Space Below and the source of The Firewall's power.


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