The Orcish Mob

Former muscle for Lord Thaddeus Blackhorn Enlisted men include: Salvatore "Sal" Marone - Oldest orc in the biz, causes grief with the younger guys because he tells them what to do and they don't like it. Vincenzo "Vinny" DeLuca - Second oldest, Sal’s best pal. They came up together, initiated at the same time, ran all the same jobs etc. Giovanni "Johnny" Lombardi - Rocco “The Bull”’s little brother. Actually bigger than Rocco. He doesn’t really like being mixed up in all this stuff, but his brother is so into it he can’t get out. Antonio "Tony" Russo - Wise guy. Always getting in trouble with the mayor for cracking too many jokes and always works the shit detail Marco "The Blade" Ferretti - Cooks all the food for the crew. Actually prefers guns or a good ole’ fashion club Franco "Frankie Two-Fingers" Moretti - Lost all his fingers being tortured by some rival gang in the early days of the casino. He didn’t give up anything, after the eighth finger he was able to slip his hand out of his binds and gouged his torturer's eyes out. Luigi "Louie the Snake" Ricci - Little guy, always messing with the other guys, but truly always afraid they might turn on him Rocco "The Bull" Caruso - Most loyal of the group, Actually the mayor's third cousin Giuseppe "Joe the Fist" Martino - Originally a boxer, got sucked in because he started taking dives in fights Angelo "The Butcher" Lombardo - Just nuts, loves killing, also loves classic bard rock   Resides in The Heart of the Forest 
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