
The Trinitium religion is founded on the belief in Clangeddin Silverbeard the God of War and Honor, and Sharindlar  the God of Healing and Life.   One of the oldest religions in the lands of Obsidianreach, its origin reaching back to well before the founding of the monarchy. According to religious texts recently discovered by Vindholm Coldmight , thousands of years ago a war broke out between mortals and demons. Clangeddin and Sharindlar served together in the army of dwarves that fended off the Hellspawn. Clangeddin was recorded as having destroyed seven times more demons than the next most deadly man. Sharindlar was the leader of a medicinal effort to protect soldiers from the wicked plagues and wounds left by Demon-kind.   In a final push to close the portal to Hell and end the war, Clangeddin fell just before he could finish the ritual. In an act of pure devotion and selflessness, Sharindlar transmitted her own life force into Clangeddin, restoring his life at the cost of her own. Clangeddin finished the ritual which involved sacrificing his life yet again.   Hundreds of years later, Dwarves laying on their deathbed could be heard whispering the names Clangeddin and Sharindlar. This led people to spread their stories and claim they were waiting in the afterlife for their followers to find them. Now their people worship them feverishly and the true story of their lives have been lost to tales of our fantasy and legend.

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