
Yar'ugoth is a demon uncaring for his kind and unbothered by the usual mindset of his kind. Instead of wanting to throw his life away in the blood war, Yar'ugoth instead went out into the multiverse to collect treasures. From the moment he opened his eyes for the first time he always had a desire for valuable things, no matter if they were in the form of objects, places or even people. He collects them and also sells them, not for money tho but for aid, aid to acquire something that has a higher value than what he sold. Yar'ugoth has no concept of sentimental value for he only sees the value in coinage, thus a doll that reminds a child of its dead mother has no value to him compared to the silvered cutlery of the household. At his core Yar'ugoth is nothing but a demonic thief pursuing his desires, he isn't inherently hostile to anyone nor does he go out of his way to seek conflict, on the contrary, he mostly does anything necessary to avoid it for the only thing he values more than money is his own life. Yet, if he has the opportunity the acquire something through an easy fight, he takes it, be it against a sick and elderly person or a toddler, if he can acquire something of sufficient value he gladly commits homicide for it.   One day a power much greater than him offered riches beyond anyone's wildest imagination. All he needed to do was fuel a machine using his innate infernal magic.
Multi colored and various sized
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leathery, Brown


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