Barren Desolate

The Barren Desolate

The Barren Desolate is a vast, untamed expanse of land where life has all but withered away. Once lush and fertile, this region has been ravaged by a malevolent force known only as the Splintered. The Splintered is a terrifying entity, infamous for consuming everything in its path. It devours not just the greenery but also the animals, and in the darkest of tales, even the people who dare to wander too far into its domain.


The landscape of the Barren Desolate is bleak and foreboding. The earth is dry and cracked, stretching out in an endless, barren wasteland. Dead trees stand like twisted sentinels, their gnarled branches reaching up towards a perpetually overcast sky. Any vegetation that remains is brittle and lifeless, struggling to survive in the harsh conditions. The ground is littered with the remnants of a once-thriving ecosystem—bleached bones, dried riverbeds, and the skeletal remains of long-dead forests.

Proximity to Greenhaven:

Greenhaven lies precariously on the edge of this desolate region, a beacon of life and hope against the encroaching darkness. The villagers are all too aware of the dangers that lurk just beyond their borders, and they live in constant vigilance, knowing that the Splintered could strike at any moment. Despite the proximity to such a dangerous area, Greenhaven persists, a testament to the resilience and determination of its people.