
Greenhaven is a small, isolated village that clings to life in the heart of a desolate region of Obsolarium. The village is a patchwork of modest wooden huts, weathered by time and the elements, surrounded by a simple wooden fence that serves as the first line of defense against the harsh world beyond. The ground is dry and cracked, with sparse patches of stubborn vegetation struggling to survive in the arid soil.   Once a fertile and thriving settlement, Greenhaven now exists as a beacon of hope amid a landscape dominated by dead trees, withered grass, and a barren horizon. The village is under constant threat from the Splintered, a fearsome creature that devours all signs of life, leaving the land desolate and the air thick with despair.   Despite these challenges, the people of Greenhaven remain resilient. They have built their lives around the idea of creating a haven of peace and stability in an otherwise unforgiving world. The village’s few communal buildings—such as the Communal Hall, the general store, and the watchtower—serve as symbols of their unity and determination.   At the heart of Greenhaven stands an ancient, dead oak tree in the town square, a reminder of the village’s once-prosperous past and a symbol of the enduring hope that one day, life will return to the land. The villagers are tightly knit, bound together by their shared struggle to survive, and they hold on to the belief that their efforts will eventually bring about a brighter future.

1. Elric (Village Elder)

Elric is a weathered, kind-hearted man in his late 50s, with a face lined with worry and wisdom. His gray hair and beard, though neatly trimmed, speak of his age and the burdens he carries as the village elder. His eyes, a deep blue, reflect both his concern for his people and his determination to protect them. Though his body shows signs of age, Elric still stands tall and firm, a symbol of stability in uncertain times. He is known for his fairness and dedication to the well-being of his villagers, always seeking solutions to protect and provide for his community, despite the hardships they face.

2. Thorn (Local Hunter)

A skilled tracker and hunter, Thorn is responsible for providing much of the village’s meat and protecting it from wild animals. He’s a quiet, solitary figure who spends most of his time in the forests surrounding Greenhaven. Thorn is highly respected for his knowledge of the land and his ability to navigate its dangers. His rugged appearance, with a weathered face and sharp eyes, reflects his years of living off the land. He carries a bow and quiver of arrows at all times and is known for his near-silent movements through the forest.

3. Mira (Herbalist)

Mira is the village’s herbalist and healer, known for her extensive knowledge of plants and natural remedies. She is a wise, gentle woman with a calming presence, often seen tending to the communal garden or collecting herbs from the forest. Mira’s hair is silver, and her eyes are a soft green, reflecting her connection to nature. She is beloved by the villagers for her nurturing spirit and her ability to heal both physical and emotional wounds. Mira is also a confidante for many, offering advice and comfort to those in need.

4. Bran (General Store Owner)

Bran runs the general store with his wife, Elara. He’s a jovial man with a friendly demeanor, always ready to chat with customers and share the latest news. Bran is a round, balding man with a thick mustache and a booming laugh. He takes pride in keeping the store well-stocked and ensuring that the villagers have what they need. Bran is deeply connected to the village’s trade network and is often the first to hear of any outside events that might affect Greenhaven. His store is a hub of activity and information.


Perimeter Fence:

The village is surrounded by a sturdy wooden fence, made from the timber of the surrounding forest. The fence, while not tall or particularly formidable, serves to mark the boundaries of the village and deter smaller predators and intruders. It stands about eight feet high and is reinforced at intervals with sharpened stakes to discourage climbing. The fence also has a single, heavy wooden gate, which is barred at night and watched during the day.  


Near the village center, the villagers have constructed a simple watchtower from wood and stone. The tower, roughly 20 feet tall, offers a vantage point over the surrounding area, allowing the lookout to spot approaching threats from a distance. The watchtower is manned in shifts, with villagers taking turns keeping watch, especially during the night or when danger is anticipated. The tower is equipped with a basic alarm system—a bell that can be rung to alert the village of any impending danger.


Greenhaven was founded several decades ago by a group of settlers seeking refuge from the turmoil that had overtaken much of Obsolarium. The settlers, weary from years of conflict and instability, sought a place of peace and safety where they could rebuild their lives. The dense forest surrounding the chosen location provided natural protection, and the fertile land promised the possibility of self-sufficiency.   Initially, Greenhaven was a small, isolated community, with little contact with the outside world. The settlers were self-reliant, focusing on farming and building the infrastructure needed for a sustainable village. Over time, the settlement grew as more people, drawn by the promise of a peaceful life, joined the community. Greenhaven became known as a haven for those seeking to escape the chaos of the wider world.   The settlement's history has been shaped by its isolation, which protected it from many of the larger conflicts that have plagued Obsolarium. However, Greenhaven has faced its own challenges, from harsh winters to bandit raids. Despite these difficulties, the community has remained resilient, banding together to overcome each obstacle.

Points of interest

1. The Communal Hall

The Communal Hall is the largest building in Greenhaven, serving as the heart of the village's social and administrative life. Constructed from sturdy timber and stone, it features a large central hearth that keeps the hall warm during the colder months. Inside, the hall is furnished with long wooden tables and benches, where villagers gather for meals, meetings, and celebrations. The walls are adorned with simple tapestries depicting scenes from village life, and a large wooden dais at one end of the hall serves as a stage for speeches and performances.
The Communal Hall is used for village meetings, where important decisions are made and disputes are settled. It also serves as a shelter during times of danger, offering a safe place for villagers to gather. Festivals, weddings, and other communal events are often held here, making it a central hub of activity in Greenhaven.

2. The Town Square

The Town Square is the open space at the center of Greenhaven, where villagers come together for both daily routines and special occasions. A large, ancient oak tree stands at the square’s center, its roots deeply embedded in the village's history. Surrounding the tree are a few stone benches and a well, which provides the village with fresh water. The square is lined with important buildings, including the Communal Hall, the general store, and the elder’s home.
The Town Square serves as the village’s primary gathering place. Markets are occasionally held here, where villagers trade goods, and the square is also used for announcements, festivals, and other public gatherings. The ancient oak tree is considered a symbol of the village’s endurance and is often the site of seasonal rituals and ceremonies.

3. The General Store

The General Store is a modest but well-stocked building run by Bran, the village merchant. The store's exterior is unassuming, with a wooden sign hanging above the door depicting a bundle of goods. Inside, the store is organized into neat rows of shelves filled with everyday necessities, including tools, clothing, preserved food, and basic household items. A small counter near the entrance is where Bran conducts business and catches up on the latest news with his customers.
The General Store is the go-to place for villagers to purchase or trade for essential supplies. It also serves as a hub for information, as Bran is often the first to hear of any news from outside the village. In addition to goods, the store occasionally stocks more specialized items brought in by traveling merchants.

4. The Farmlands and Gardens

The farmlands and gardens surrounding Greenhaven are a stark contrast to the fertile lands of the past. The soil is dry and cracked, barely able to support the small plots of crops that the villagers manage to coax from the earth. The gardens are little more than patches of hardy herbs and vegetables that can survive in the harsh conditions. Watering is done sparingly, with each drop carefully rationed.
These farmlands and gardens are the villagers' primary food source, though they produce only meager yields. The villagers work tirelessly to keep the crops alive, sharing techniques and wisdom passed down through generations. The gardens, while small, also provide medicinal herbs that Mira, the herbalist, uses to tend to the village’s health.