Iron Anvil

The Iron Anvil is a bustling forge located in New Dawn's market, known for its high-quality weapons and armor. The open forge and rhythmic sounds of hammering draw in customers, while the interior is filled with work benches, tools, and finished products on display. From simple daggers to elaborate suits of armor, the Iron Anvil offers a wide range of meticulously crafted items. Master blacksmith Grog Ironhand and his apprentice Elara ensure that each piece meets their exacting standards, making the Iron Anvil a cornerstone of the community's defense and craftsmanship.



Open Forge:
The Iron Anvil features a large open forge that allows passersby to see and hear the blacksmiths at work. The rhythmic sounds of hammer striking anvil reverberate around the market, drawing customers in with the promise of exceptional craftsmanship.  
A sturdy, well-crafted sign with the shop's name, "The Iron Anvil," hangs prominently above the entrance. The sign features an image of a hammer and anvil, symbolizing the strength and reliability of the shop's products.


Work Benches:
The interior of the Iron Anvil is lined with several sturdy work benches. These benches are adorned with a variety of blacksmithing tools, including hammers, tongs, and chisels. The surfaces are often strewn with half-finished projects, showcasing the ongoing work of the skilled artisans.  
Armor and Weapons:
Finished products are proudly displayed on racks and shelves throughout the shop. These include a range of items, from simple daggers and swords to elaborate suits of armor. The weapons and armor are meticulously crafted, with attention to detail evident in every piece.  
The selection includes daggers, swords, axes, and maces, each forged with precision and care. Customers can find both basic weapons for everyday use and more ornate pieces for special occasions or personal collections.  
The armor on display ranges from basic leather and chainmail to full suits of plate armor. Each piece is designed to provide maximum protection while maintaining flexibility and comfort for the wearer.


Grog Ironhand:

Master Blacksmith and Owner
Grog is a burly dwarf with a thick beard, muscled arms, and a no-nonsense attitude. His reputation for exceptional craftsmanship is well-known throughout New Dawn. Grog is the heart and soul of The Iron Anvil, often seen working at the forge or assisting customers.


Apprentice Blacksmith
Elara is a young half-elf with a keen eye for detail and a passion for metallurgy. She specializes in intricate designs and custom orders. Elara assists Grog with daily operations and handles customer inquiries, making her a vital part of the team.

Brutus, the Guard Dog:

 Brutus is a large, loyal mastiff who guards the forge, especially at night. With a keen sense of smell and a protective nature, Brutus ensures that the forge and its valuable contents are safe from intruders. He is friendly to regular customers but wary of strangers.

Contents & Furnishings

Forging Area:
The heart of the Iron Anvil is the large central forge. This area is equipped with multiple anvils, furnaces, and quenching troughs. The blacksmiths work tirelessly, their movements precise and practiced as they shape molten metal into functional works of art.  
Display Racks:
Sturdy wooden racks and shelves are used to display the finished products. Each item is tagged with its price and any special features, making it easy for customers to browse the selection.  
Customer Counter: 
A wooden counter near the entrance serves as the main point of transaction. Behind the counter, a blacksmith or apprentice is always ready to assist customers, answer questions, and take custom orders.  
Storage Room:
A small storage room at the back of the shop holds additional materials and unfinished projects. This area is off-limits to customers but is essential for the efficient operation of the forge.


Simple Weapons
Dagger2 gp
Handaxe5 gp
Mace5 gp
Spear1 gp
Martial Weapons
Longsword15 gp
Battleaxe10 gp
Warhammer15 gp
Greatsword50 gp
Light Armor
Padded Armor5 gp
Leather Armor10 gp
Studded Leather Armor45 gp
Medium Armor
Hide Armor10 gp
Chain Shirt50 gp
Scale Mail50 gp
Breastplate400 gp
Heavy Armor
Chain Mail75 gp
Splint Armor200 gp
Plate Armor1500 gp
Wooden Shield10 gp
Steel Shield20 gp