Session Recap

General Summary

Session 1

New Dawn:

Alastair "Big Al" Thornfield:

Mayor of New Dawn, smokes, Elf. Specifically asked the group to complete a task involving the construction of a new building. The building’s machinery requires a unique, powerful energy source.


300 gold (split 4 ways) Influence in the settlement.  

Details of the Task:

  The energy source is rumored to be a glowing crystalline structure located in either the engine or control room of a crashed vessel. The crash was possibly foreseen by someone during the Day of Echoes. The group will pass through Green Haven Village en route to retrieve the source.


  The Splintered: A creature that stalks the woods, particularly in green, lush areas. The creature is rumored to devour anything fresh and green, possibly draining life force.   Green Haven Village: Despite its name, much of the surrounding area is desolate. The name might be wishful thinking on the villagers' part.  

Shops in New Dawn:

  Iron Anvil: Blacksmiths: Garron and Jenna.
Rusty Tankard: Tavern owned by Grog, frequented by Elara, and home to a stray cat named Whiskers.
Arcane Alcove: Shop run by Thalandra (an Elf) and her assistant Lirael (an Autognome). Notable Feature: Blue glowing sigil above the entrance. Also inhabited by a wisp named Flicker.   Journey to the Spelljammer Vessel: The group is now on the way to locate the crashed Spelljammer vessel.


Green Haven Village:

Description: A small, isolated village with houses, farms, and gardens set within a clearing. Despite its name, much of the surrounding area is desolate.   Side Quest: Objective: Inquire about the Echo Herb shipment, which was due a week ago.   Instructions: Speak to Eldric and mention that Elara sent you.   Reward: They’ll cover your tab at the Rusty Tankard!  

Green Haven Village - Further Details:

  Village Atmosphere: The center of town is filled with anxious villagers discussing recent bandit raids. The bandits have stolen the Echo Herb and other crops. Eldric: The village elder tried to contact Elara but has received no response. He has seen signs of the bandits but has not encountered them directly.   Bandits: The bandits have a camp to the north, in a cave. The village has tried to defend itself, but the bandits are well-armed and organized. Leader: Brask, described as ruthless and cunning.   Clue: A small pendant was left behind, carved with the Wanderer constellation. The Wanderer Constellation: Possibly related to Lunaris Nascens, god of the twilight and grave domains. A group of mercenaries uses this symbol as their own, suggesting the bandits might be part of this mercenary group.   The Splintered: Rumored to have started in the barren and desolate areas, once fertile fields. A year after the great cataclysm, these areas have expanded. Theory: The Splintered might have been a man at some point, potentially connected to the Big Incident.

Investigating the Bandit Camp:

  Location: The camp is located at the edge of a clearing with a stream. The approach is either an exposed route or a difficult-to-traverse thicket.   Guards: Two guards are stationed by the entrance, with a hidden observation post nearby.   Kennels: Three Guard dog kennels contain a dog in each.   Inside the Cave: Bandits are handling the Echo Herb, possibly planning to destroy it. The cave is filled with water and has poor air circulation.

Report Date
03 Sep 2024