Dusk Watchers

Mythology & Lore

The Dusk Watchers originated from a profound collective experience among the earliest communities of Obsolarum. As these people observed the regularity of day turning into night, they began to see the sunset not just as an end but as an essential transition, a time of reflection and preparation for the renewal that comes with the dawn.   The teachings and rituals of the Dusk Watchers developed around the time of the Twilight Conflicts, a period marked by frequent wars and changes. Communities ravaged by the day's turmoil found solace in the quiet of evening, using this time to honor those lost and to heal. Over time, these practices were formalized into rituals celebrating endings—whether of life, conflict, or hardship—as necessary precedents for new beginnings.   This sect emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and respecting life's inevitable cycles. Their rituals often occur at dusk, involving candlelit vigils, offerings to symbolize letting go, and meditations on peace. They gather at the end of the day to reflect on the lessons learned, to mourn losses, and to prepare for the new opportunities that each ending brings.

Tenets of Faith

Honor the Departed:

 High importance is placed on respecting and remembering those who have passed away. Rituals include lighting candles, reciting prayers, and maintaining graves or memorials, which are believed to ease the spirits’ transition into the afterlife.  

Promote Peace:

 The Dusk Watchers are advocates for resolving conflicts and promoting peace. They intervene in disputes to help mediate and find peaceful resolutions, reflecting their belief that every day should end in harmony, not discord.  

Prepare for Renewal:

 The faithful are encouraged to use the night for rest and rejuvenation, preparing themselves spiritually and physically for the opportunities of a new day. This preparation is considered a sacred duty to maintain the balance of mind, body, and spirit.


Evening Rituals:

 Each day concludes with the Vesperal Rites, a series of prayers and meditations conducted at sunset. These rituals are designed to help the faithful reflect on the day’s events, seek forgiveness for any misdeeds, and prepare for the peaceful end of the day. The rituals are led by the Temple Priests of Vespera and are central to the sect's practice. Meditation on Change: Members are encouraged to meditate daily on the nature of change and the inevitability of endings. This meditation helps to cultivate a mindset that appreciates the present and prepares for the future without fear.  

Community Reflection Sessions:

 Regular community gatherings are held where members share their experiences and stories about transitions in their lives—whether they be endings, losses, or changes. These sessions are therapeutic and reinforce communal bonds, reminding everyone of the shared journey through life’s cycles.  

Festival of Farewells: 

An annual festival where the community comes together to honor those who have passed away during the year, celebrate the end of major life phases, or mark the conclusion of significant projects. This festival is rich with symbolism, featuring lanterns that are let go into the sky or water, representing the release of spirits to the afterlife or the letting go of past burdens.


Viziers of Twilight: 

The Viziers are the senior-most leaders within the Dusk Watchers, responsible for overseeing all major religious ceremonies and ensuring doctrinal purity. They are also tasked with interpreting the divine signs and omens that occur at dusk and during the night. Their decisions directly affect the strategic direction of the sect and its interactions with external entities.  

Temple Priests of Vespera:

 The Temple Priests conduct the daily rituals and services, especially those that occur as the sun sets. They are actively involved in the community, providing guidance, hearing confessions, and leading the faithful in prayers and meditations that focus on closure, reflection, and preparation for the end of day. They are also responsible for counseling those dealing with personal or familial transitions.  

Scribes of Eventide: 

These individuals are the keepers of the sect’s sacred texts and the recorders of its lore and daily happenings. They document everything from the personal stories of the congregation to the larger cosmic and theological interpretations of dusk. The Scribes are essential for preserving the teachings and ensuring they are accurately conveyed to future generations.  

Anointed of the Dusk:

 The Anointed are lay members recognized for their deep devotion and service to the sect’s principles. They assist in various capacities, from helping to organize community events to supporting the temple's daily functions. They often serve as liaisons between the priests and the broader community, helping to disseminate teachings and organize collective activities that embody the sect’s values.

In Every Ending, a New Beginning


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