The Caligo Sodality

Cosmological Views

The Caligo Sodality, followers of Lunaris Caligo, embraces an understanding of the world deeply rooted in the themes of change, endings, and the mysteries of the unknown. They believe that creation is an ongoing cycle of transformation—nothing is permanent except change itself. According to their doctrine, the world was shaped not as a static entity but as a canvas constantly undergoing metamorphosis, influenced by the unseen forces and the subtle energies of the night.   They view the cosmos as a vast expanse where darkness prevails, holding all potential within it. In this endless night, Lunaris Caligo reigns as the arbiter of secrets and the final chapter of all stories. The world’s creation, in their belief, is a tale of shadows and whispers, where every ending is merely the precursor to another beginning. Thus, they hold that understanding the mysteries of the dark, embracing the inevitable changes and concluding phases of life, are essential to truly comprehending the nature of existence.


Communal Storytelling:

   A unique aspect of their worship involves the telling of stories that celebrate endings and transformations. These tales, often shared in intimate gatherings, underscore the lessons learned from endings and the new beginnings that inevitably follow. It serves both as a teaching tool and a way to strengthen communal bonds within the sect.  

Nocturnal Rituals: 

  Members often gather under the cover of night to perform their rituals, emphasizing their connection to darkness and the unseen. These rituals may involve silent meditations, the recitation of ancient litanies that speak of the mysteries of the night, and contemplations on the nature of endings and transitions.


Sect Cardinals:

  Each sect, including the Nascens Guardians, has its own set of Cardinals who oversee significant regions or important aspects of that specific sect's doctrine. They are responsible for implementing the Archlunar’s directives within their respective sects and managing the affairs that are unique to their lunar aspect.  

Sect Bishops:

  Appointed for different dioceses within the sect, these Bishops ensure adherence to the specific teachings and rituals of their sect. They oversee the work of Crescent Priests and ensure the sect’s doctrines are followed within their jurisdictions.  

Crescent Priests:

  The primary spiritual leaders who interact directly with the community, administering sect-specific rites and rituals, and providing spiritual guidance related to the lunar phases—particularly those phases that pertain to their sect.  

Acolytes of Change:

  Junior members of the clergy who support the Crescent Priests, engage in community service, and help with the administration of sacraments, especially those that are significant to the lunar transitions their sect celebrates.


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