The Plenilunium Fellowship

Divine Origins

Formation and Philosophical Roots:

    The Plenilunium Fellowship, devoted to Lunaris Plenus, the Full Moon Aspect of Lunaris, traces its origins to the early astrologers and scholars of Obsolarum who first charted the stars and celestial patterns. Their teachings and rituals developed around the profound influence of the full moon on both the natural world and magical practices.The Fellowship began as a gathering of mages, scholars, and navigators who observed that the full moon enhanced magical energies and facilitated deeper understanding and connections in their studies and travels. They formed an academic society that gradually transformed into a spiritual community as they delved deeper into the mystical aspects of the full moon.  

Ritualistic Development:

  The rituals of the Plenilunium Fellowship were crafted from these early scholarly observations combined with ancient rites uncovered in forgotten texts, believed to be inspired by Lunaris himself. The sect's practices incorporate complex lunar calendars, celestial navigation, and the alignment of arcane energies with lunar phases, emphasizing the full moon's role in transformation and revelation.  

Geographic and Cultural Expansion:

  As the community grew, it spread across different regions of Obsolarum, integrating local customs and traditions related to moon worship. This expansion enriched their practices with diverse cultural perspectives on the moon’s influence, making the Fellowship a melting pot of celestial worship and arcane studies.

Tenets of Faith

Ethical Use of Magic:

   Magic, a gift influenced by lunar forces, must be used ethically and responsibly. Misuse of magic for personal gain or to harm others is strictly forbidden, as it contradicts the principles of balance and transformation advocated by the Fellowship.  

Pursuit of Knowledge:

   Members are encouraged to seek understanding and wisdom in all forms, particularly in areas that relate to the natural world, the cosmos, and the arcane. Scholarship and learning are considered sacred duties.  

Observance of Lunar Cycles:

   Adherents must observe and celebrate the phases of the moon, with special emphasis on the full moon. These observances are not merely ritualistic but are times for deep meditation, reflection, and the performance of magical practices that align with lunar energies.


Study and Scholarship: 

Since knowledge and learning are pillars of the Fellowship, members are encouraged to engage in regular study sessions. This can include the study of arcane lore, natural sciences, astrology, and the mystical properties of the moon. Libraries and study halls are common in temples dedicated to this sect.  

Ritual Magic:

The use of ritualistic magic that corresponds with lunar phases forms a core part of worship. This includes the crafting of amulets during the full moon, potion-making, and divinations. Such practices are not only spiritual but are also meant to enhance personal and communal well-being.  

Community Service and Teaching:

  Members are encouraged to use their knowledge and skills to serve the community. This could involve teaching others about the moon’s influence on magic and nature, helping with community gardens that are tended according to lunar phases, or providing healing services using lunar-infused potions.


Sect Cardinals:

  Each sect, including the Nascens Guardians, has its own set of Cardinals who oversee significant regions or important aspects of that specific sect's doctrine. They are responsible for implementing the Archlunar’s directives within their respective sects and managing the affairs that are unique to their lunar aspect.  

Sect Bishops:

  Appointed for different dioceses within the sect, these Bishops ensure adherence to the specific teachings and rituals of their sect. They oversee the work of Crescent Priests and ensure the sect’s doctrines are followed within their jurisdictions.  

Crescent Priests:

  The primary spiritual leaders who interact directly with the community, administering sect-specific rites and rituals, and providing spiritual guidance related to the lunar phases—particularly those phases that pertain to their sect.  

Acolytes of Change:

  Junior members of the clergy who support the Crescent Priests, engage in community service, and help with the administration of sacraments, especially those that are significant to the lunar transitions their sect celebrates.


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