
World of the Everchanging Tides

A world forged of the elements and a substance known only as Mana, Oceanus is a world of water and wonders. Beneath the oceans, aquatic races rule the waves and hide secrets of civilizations swallowed by the waters long before. Above the clouds, floating islands contain societies that take to the skies, largely ignorant of their cousins that crest the seas, each with a vibrant culture born of the elemental influences that shaped it long ago.

~Created for use in LegendaryCloud's next big campaign inspired by Final Fantasy~

All images are used for visual reference and we do not claim ownership of any, as they belong to their respective owners. Final Fantasy properties are all owned by Square Enix and we do not claim ownership of any such properties mentioned in this project. All Dungeons and Dragons properties are all owned by Wizard's of the Coast, we do not claim ownership of any mentioned in this project. This project is completely non-profit and a fan work utilizing ideas inspired by the Final Fantasy franchise using the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons system.