Welcome to Octisafell!


"Ah, Applefield! See the apple-laiden trees, smell the brewing apple cider and new-mown hay. It is fall in my home town. I love this place at this time of year."
--Childhood journal of Talamar


Applefield is a large farming and orchard community in north west Octiragrin. The town is built around a central square where mostof the businesses are located. The weekend market also sets up booths in the square during market days. Businesses on the square include:

    • Bank of Applefield
    • The Hungry Sow Restaurant
  • Applefield Municipal Park
    • The Laundry
    • The Baker
  • The Butcher
    • Octiragrin Postal Service
    • The River Rat Tavern
    • The Applefield General Store
    • The Blacksmith
    • Applefield Community Theatre
  • The Apple Fall Inn

There is a temple off the square where the eight gods/goddesse are worshipped. The livery stable is located aff the square as well. There is a carriage repair shop and other shops, taverns, and inns down Fairlane, which leads to the festival grounds where the Fall Apple Festival takes place.

The town is surrounded by lush crop land bordering the river. The fields are home to farms, orchards, and grazing land which supports the farmers nand the town. The major export is apples and any product made from them.


Mayor & Town Council
Images purchased from Vector Stock.
Founding Date
1750 AG
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)


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