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Defusion is the magical process by which Defuse mold is applied to a field or group of plants. Defuse is a mold that eats parasites and other plant pests. The mages at Healers Hall at Octischolarus Magus have recently discovered that Defuse can be applied to plants to remove blights, fungi, bacteria, and other substances which left unchecked would harm or even kill them. Most notably, a recent use is to cleanse Fuse from rice plants.

When a mage defuses a field it looks like he or she takes a handfull of the mold and flings it in wide arcs to disperse it over segments of crops. At the same time that the mage flings it they also speak a spell to control the wind to blow it farther afield. It is an interesting process to watch.

"Daddy, what is that man doing to our rice?"
"He is a healing mage from Octischolarus Magus and he is taking the bad stuff off of our rice so it won't make it or the mages sick when they eat it."
--Conversation between a farmer and his son while watching their field being defused


It is used to treat rice and other plants. It was discovered as a necessity when the rice plants became infected with Fuse.


Defuse is cultivated by the Drow Elves and the technique of applying it was developed by Joselin Rosemont and the healing mages at Octischolarus Magus.
Joselin Rosemont
Access & Availability
The cure requires Defuse which is only grown in the Dark Beneath and sold by the Drow Elves. It also requires a mage or mage trainee who knows the technique of spreading it. This combination makes the cure fairly rare as the mages have just begun to use it.
A healing mage student named Joselin Rosemont discovered that this little-known mold could be applied to rice plants to consume the magical bacteria known as Fuse. This was a great find since Fuse causes a disease in mages known as Fusion. He then devised a magical method of spreading the mold over large areas like fields.


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