Welcome to Octisafell!

Setting the Scene

Rules of the World

What are the fundamental differences in the natural laws of your world compared to Earth?

1. There is magic.
2. The magic is bestowed by the gods and goddesses. Each person has receives an affinity for a particular branch/color of magic. Magic is replenished by the amount of reverence/devotion a person gives. There is always a minimum level of magic present in a person.
3. Magic is expressed differently based on god or goddess who has chosen the person.
4. Magic and tech can be combined to create gadgets, processes, and techniques.
Anvil Advice:
Does your world have magic or altered gravity, midichlorians or psionics? Starting with your world’s natural laws is very important, as they can have fundamental repercussions on everything in your world!
Get them sorted now and they’ll create fascinating interactions! Forget, and they’ll create holes in your worldbuilding! And make sure you sense-check with your previous answers - if your genre is hard sci-fi, you might not want to introduce magic, for example.


How did this world come to be?

Nobody knows, but in the dominant religion, it is believed that the world was created by The Great Father, to have a bunch of people to come into relationship with all the gods and goddesses of The Exalted Circle. One of the circle members, Luxaz defied The Great Father and was expelled from the heavens. This gave Luxaz the chance to currupt the races of Octisafell to spite The Great Father. The Great Father then sent the rest of The Exalted Circle to rectify and restore what Luxaz had wrought.  
Anvil Advice:
Just one paragraph on this - don't go full Silmarillion!


What does the geography of your world look like?

Octiragrin has mountains, forests, hills, plains, and farms. There is a vast desert to the south of Octiragrin. There are other islands and continants including tropical and arctic regions.  
Anvil Advice:
This should be a generic vision of the geography to set the feel.

Does your Geography have any special properties or features?

There are subterranean regions that are almost completely unknown by most of the world. Certain islands are home to particular races. There is some geographic segregation. Some races have never seen some of the others.

What is the initial size of your active campaign setting?

The initial size of the story is the country of Octiragrin and its capital, Tirfalon.  
Anvil Advice:
Initial size of building (you can always expand later!)

People and their History

Who used to live in your active campaign space, and what’s their history?

In Octiragrin, there are humans, dwarves, and elves. Other islands and continents contain gnomes, raptorians, dragons, dragonboorn, orcs, goblins, drow elves, trolls, giants, and other beings. Luxaz distorted and currupted some of the light races and turned them into the dark races. Since the advent of the other eight gods and goddesses, the dark races have receded into the corners and far reaches of the world.  

What do they need and what do they need from each other?

They need cooperationand fellowship with each other and with members of the Exalted Circle. Through give and take each society can be strengthened and enriched by the others.  
Anvil Advice:
For each group (culture or race) in your active campaign area, limit your answer to one paragraph, and remember to include one sentence on their opinion of "others". For each group not in your active campiagn area, limit your answer to one sentnce.
World Meta
Links of the Anvil by Satrium


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