Angel of Death Song in Od | World Anvil
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Angel of Death Song

  Some people call her the Reaper
The Angel of Death
She wanders 'round through the country
Seeking out those who've run out of breath   Some people call her a devil
A demon in disguise
But only one thing is certain
You best not meet up if you favor your lives   Angel of Death
The reaper's comin' for you   Some people say that’s shes evil
She only wants one thing
That all the death and destruction
Can only her peace bring   Others say that she is haunted
By all of her misdeeds
To make up for her transgressions
She seeks to make it right with He   Angel of Death
The reaper's comin' for you   See her up on the horizon
Men's army she greets
Just one quick flash and its over
600 men lay dead at her feet   She billows through the destruction
Sly grimace on her face
She keeps walking on her mission
Shrouded only by Death's embrace   Angel of Death
The reaper's comin' for you   Some people say she's an angel
Sent to save their lives
It's hard to tell if she's real
Or just created to tell more lies   Some people say she's just legend
To keep the kids in at night
But if you'd go and you'd ask me
I'd say that you'd better fear for your life   Angel of Death
Angel of Death
The reaper's comin' for you


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