Dragon Slayer Bard Song in Od | World Anvil
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Dragon Slayer Bard Song

Have you heard the tale
Of the dragon slayer bard?
Who went away, to save the day
And took his best guitar?   He never returned
He was afraid what'd people say
When they found out, that he had died
To dragons yesterday   Overcome with grief
He steals himself away
To far off lands, they cannot find
To find a place to stay   Many travels bring him to
A ship to sail the seas
He swore that he would not return
To put his mind at ease   After many years have passed,
Aboard his ship adored
He finds himself shipwrecked
Upon a place he'd been before   Through broken trees and burnt up leaves
Down paths he used to run
He finds himself, in a familiar
Town of ash and ruin


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