Dream Away Song in Od | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Dream Away Song

Lost to time
Stuck in your mind
And you would dream away
Of days long gone
The bright, the strong
The young who pave the way   Long at sea
You thought you'd be
Returning in your pride
But find your way
Through traitors today
In stocks made for your kind   Now led through streets
You can't believe
Were once your land, your home
Now stuck in squares
And displayed there
And made example of   ==   When Men of old
Blood loyal and bold
Exact you're brave rescue
And take to ships
With sealed lips
Away from past askew   Back where you belong
But it won't take long
Before you're plan is found
A traitor here
Has sold his share
To run this ship aground   A flash of fire
An altar, a pyre
You ship splinters to ash
You're left alone
To sink below
And host your haunted past   ==   Now wash ashore
On island abhor
With fire, and blood, and steel
When Men encroach
With bindings reproach
To steal your will and zeal   Your punishment
Is to be met
By more than loss of life
Your soul is sealed
In magic and steel
Trapped in deathless twilight   Now lost to time
Stuck in your mind
And you would dream away
Of days long gone
The bright, the strong
The young who pave the way


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