Into the Land of Od Song in Od | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Into the Land of Od Song

  [There] is a place not far away
[To] forget troubles of yesterday
[So] why not take a trip today
Into the land of Od?   [Watch] all your troubles melt away
[As] you go on and save the day
[And] everything just goes your way
Inside the land of Od   This is the B part
Let's all sing along yeah
If you don't know it
Just clap along then   Come and an adventure
And we'll all have some
Fun!   [So] take my hand we'll whisk away
[In]to a land of fantasy
[And] fill our minds with fun today
Inside the land od   [We'll] save a princess, make some cash
[And] make sure that it doesn't last
[And] it will all go by so fast
Inside the land of od


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