Trade Goods in Od | World Anvil
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Trade Goods

There are various goods that can be traded throughout Atheria. You might find a section in a location article that mentions Trade Goods. This should clarify what they are and what they mean!  

Reading the Trade Goods Section

Trade goods will be listed as the name of the good and a symbol, like Sheep +. The symbol indicates how much of the resource is available in the area. The more of that resource, the lower lower the buy price and lower the sell price. If a resource is not listed in a location's Trade Goods section, assume it buys and sells for base price.
Symbol Meaning Buy Modifier Sell Modifier
++ The area produces excess/has access to an abundance of a resource Does not buy Sells for much cheaper than base price
+ The area produces/has access to a resource Buys for cheaper than base price Sells for cheaper than base price
~ The area has base access to a resource Buys for base price Sells for base price
- The area is in need of a resource Buys for higher than base price Sells for higher than base price
- - The area is desperate need of a resource Buys for much higher than base price Does not sell

Resource Locations

Mostly for DM reference, below is a list of trade goods and their possible locations. (geographically, climate wise, politically, etc).  


  • Cotton Cloth: warm humid climate, long frost-free period, lots of heat and sunshine. Tropical/subtropical
  • Canvas: Made from hemp. Temperate grasslands, from Central Asia
  • Linen: Made from Flax. Flax is found in colder areas with long days, like the states on the Canadian border.
  • Silk: Made from silk worms. inland China, korea, japan. probably western arithia/klank

  • Spices

  • Ginger: China, warm humid climates
  • Cinnamon: Sri Lanka, tropical, hot.
  • Pepper: India, south-east asia. Kinda tropical-ish
  • Cloves: indonesia, tropical, hot and humid. probably long island, or whatever i'll end up calling it
  • Saffron: Middle east, Greece, Mesopotamia, Mediterranean wet cold winters, seasons of heavy rainfall, hot dry summers
  • Basically seems like the Crimson Sea area.
  • List of Trade Goods

    Trade Good Price
    1lb of wheat 1cp
    1lb of flour 2cp
    1 chicken 2cp
    1lb of salt 5cp
    1lb of iron 1sp
    1sq yd of canvas 1sp
    1lb of copper 5sp
    1sq yd of cotton cloth 5sp
    1lb of ginger 1gp
    1 goat 1gp
    1lb of cinnamon 2gp
    1lb of pepper 2gp
    1 sheep 2gp
    1lb of cloves 3gp
    1 pig 3gp
    1lb of silver 5gp
    1sq yd of linen 5gp
    1sq yd of silk 10gp
    1 cow 10gp
    1lb of saffron 15gp
    1 ox 15gp
    1lb of gold 50g
    1lb of platinum 500g


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