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Kingdom of the Demon King

The Kingdom of the Demon King (formerly Jhost) is a nation that was recently conquered by Aizakku the Demon King and his army of demons and devils. The nation is known for its forsaken History. The land is cursed along with those born within it. They face constant threat from the creatures within the Weeping Forest. This Nation is protected from these threats by the Demon King and his forces. His Death Hunters are trained in dealing with the threats of the forest.   The Fortress of the Demon King is the capital of the Kingdom. The Demon army is in full force here. The Demon King is fair in his rule, but is not to be trifled with. The nation is known for the specialized forces that are skilled at hunting and fighting creatures of both a light and dark Nature, as well as a special force of devil masters known as Devil Forgers who create fiends from the dead.  




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