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Beast Blood

Beast Blood are cursed by an ancient bloodline that allows them to shift into a beast similar to lycanthropy. Even in human form they often retain some sign of their beast form, such as claws, teeth, eyes, tails, ears and so on. Beast Blood retains their sanity and sentience on transformation and becomes empowered in this form. Cold forge silver is a poison to Beast Blood, and they are hunted by the nation of Avangal. Beast Blood can be found almost anywhere in Ode but are most common on the continent of Fall, Vymors  
    Language: common, primordial   Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Beast Within

A Beast Blood may use a bonus action to shift into their beast form. They gain additional abilities while in this form. You may shift a number of times equal to your proficiency per day. The shape change last a number of hours equal to your con mod with a minimum of 1.  

The Shifters Curse:

You are weakened by cold forged silver. You are vulnerable to silvered weapons when in beast form and must make a con save of dc 10 or half the damage taken (which ever is greater) to maintain beast form. In your normal form, when you are attacked with silvered weapon, you must make a con save of 10 plus the proficiency of the attacker. On a failed save you are poisoned for 1 hour.  

Beast Descent

Choose one of the following that dictates your blood line. You gain a trait active outside of beast form, and a trait that become usable in beast form   Beast of Sky:   Example of beast: Birds   Beast of sky retain wings even outside of beast form.   Passive: fly speed 30   Beast form: Fly speed 60   Beast of Burden:   Example of beast: Bull, Horse, Donkey, Elephant, ect   Beast of Burden often have horns, teeth, hard skin, scales, hooves, ect.   Passive: Double carry capacity   Beast form: Gain temp hp equal to your con mod, this refreshes at the start of your turn while in beast form.   Beast of Prey:   Example of beast: Rabbits, Sheep, Squirrel   Traits: ears, eyes   Passive: You are proficient with perception, and your active perception checks using sight or sound are at advantage   Beast Form: You are always aware of creatures within 30ft of you. Magical effects and sense blocking do not effect your ability to know the location of creatures.   Beast of Grace   Example of beast: Cats, Monkeys, Kangaroo   Traits: tails   Passive: you have proficiency in acrobatic and dex saves   Beast form: you have advantage on dex based saves and checks.   Beast of Hunt:   Example of beast: Lions, Bears, Coyote, Snakes, Hawks, ect   Traits: claws, talons, teeth   Passive: You have a natural weapon. Your strength or dex plus proficiency to hit. 1d4+attack mod damage. (1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 9, 1d10 12)   Beast form: When you hit with an attack, you may as a bonus action attack with your natural weapon and heal the damage dealt. Your damage dice upgrades to a d6 (1d8 at level 5, 1d10 at level 9, 1d12 12)


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