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Oath of Fall Paladin

Oath of Fall Paladins are those tasked with protecting the natural order of the seasons. They value the scarcity of death. They are guides to the lost, both in a literal and spiritual meaning. They are known to save those who loose their way within the Weeping Forest. These Paladins are most often loyal to Gizem, the goddess of Fall. Although, some are simply devote to the tenets of Fall and do not serve the goddess directly.  

Level 3


-Never allow harm to befall the young   -Guide the lost and ensure their safe return home   Never abandon those who are lost or in need of guidance, literally or figuratively   -Protect and uphold the sanctity of death. Do not tolerate the undead or unholy means of life extention, unholy death prevention, or unholy forms of restriction   -Protect the natural order of the world.   Uphold and protect the cycle, the changing of the seasons  

Oath Spells

3rd: Inflict wounds, Find familiar (owl only)   6th: Wither and bloom, Phantasmal force   9th: Feign death, Vampiric touch  

Channel divinity: Rebuke Undeath

You may as an action, you may turn undead. For every Undead who fail this save, heal yourself a number of hit points equal to your proficiency

Channel Divinity: Harvest Moon

As an action you may channel divinity, for the next minute the power of fall runs through you. You gain immunity to Necrotic. When you deal Necrotic damage you may heal for your charisma modifier. You may have your first melee weapon attack in a round has its damage changed to necrotic. When you use this ability it cannot be used again until a long rest  

Level 7

Aura: Season of Death

When a creature starts its turn within 10ft of you with hp equal to or less than your charisma modifier, they must make a charisma saving throw vs your spell save or die When a creature dies this way, you or a creature of your choice within your aura, may heal for the dead creatures con mod plus your proficiency This is considered an instant death effect


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