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Oath of Spring Paladin

Oath of Spring Paladins are those who value life and nature. They are tasked with the protection of the natural order of the seasons. Many are devote to Kukka, the goddess of Spring. However, some simply are devote to the tenants of Spring without serving the goddess. Spring Paladins are known to be caring and compassionate. They value and uphold life, nature, and love.   

level 3


-All life is precious and should be protected   Protect the innocent and only deal lethal blows as a last resort or to end those who aggressively use lethality   -Nourish the weak, tend to the soil   Never ignore those in need of food or shelter. Always share your fire and rations.   -Honor love and romance   Never come between those in love. Encourage others to express their emotions and wear your own heart on your sleeve   -Protect the natural order of the world.   Uphold and protect the cycle, the changing of the seasons  

Oath Spells

3rd: Entangle, Speak with animals   5th: Healing spirit, Summon beast   9th: Plant growth, Revivify  

Channel Divinity: Blossoming Life

As an action, form a link with a number of willing creatures equal to your proficiency -1. This link last 1 minute. When you take damage, the linked creatures heal for your charisma modifier. Additionally when you use your lay on hands, linked creatures heal for half the amount used rounded down (min 1)

Channel Divinity: Renewal

As a reaction to yourself casting a healing spell or using a healing potion, you may maximize the healing dice  

7th level

Aura of Bountiful Life

You have a permeant aura of druid craft around you. This druid craft makes flowers bloom, produces a light spring breeze, and produces an aroma of spring flowers. Once per turn, you may use a bonus action to heal a creature within 20ft of you for an amount equal to your charisma modifier. This healing may not raise downed players from the unconscious condition. Once per long rest you may channel this aura and focus its power. When you do so you may heal an unconscious creature to half their hit point(s) total rounded down. Once you do this the aura is suppressed until you finish a long rest


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