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Oath of Summer Paladin

Oath of Summer Paladins are sworn to protect the natural order of the seasons. Most are loyal to the God Suvi, goddess of Summer. However, some simply are devote to the tenants without service to the god. Summer Paladins are known for fierce emotion and a fiery combat style.    

Level 3


-Be warm an kind like a mid summer day.   It is the responsibility of the strong to protect the weak, do not overlook those in need   -Strive forward with hard work and determination.   A meal unearned taste foul and rotten. Work hard and support those who also work hard. Sloth is abhorrent   -Live life to its fullest.   Take risk, make chances, have fun, enjoy life. Be adventurous and embrace curiosity   -Protect the natural order of the world.   Uphold and protect the cycle, the changing of the seasons    

Oath Spells

3rd: Burning hands, Hellish rebuke   5th: Flame blade, Aganazzar's Scorcher   9th: Fireball, Continual flame  

Channel divinity: Summers protection

As a reaction to taking fire damage, you may channel divinity to instead heal for the damage received and gain resistance to fire for 1 min

Channel Divinity: Flames of Passion

As an actions. Ignite your blade with the fires of Summer. For 10 minutes your attacks deal additional fire damage equal to your charisma modifier. Additionally your blade sheds 20ft bright light  

level 7

Scorching Aura

All creatures of your choice must make a wisdom save when they start thier turn within 10ft of you. On a failed save they take 1d6 fire damage (2d6 at level 12)


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