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Oath of Winter Paladin

Oath of Winter Paladins are those who uphold the natural order of the seasons. They have a strong mental acuity, with great controlee over their emotions. They value forgives and believe it is better to give a person a second change, rather than cut a life short. This does not mean they are pacifist, however. They will not hesitate to cut down those who threaten them or their tenants. Most of these paladins serve Talvi, goddess of winter. Some, however, simply value the tenants and do not directly serve the goddess.   

Level 3


  -Everyone deserves a second chance   Do not deny another their opportunity for a second chance. However, do not easily forgive these who betray this kindness   -Keep the calm of winter   Do not let strong emotion cloud your decisions or guide your actions   -Do not disturb another's rest unless for good reason   Do not wake those in slumber save it be for good reason, such as the threat of harm. Do not allow your own rest to be disturbed without good reasons   -Protect the natural order of the world.   Uphold and protect the cycle, the changing of the seasons  

Oath Spells

3rd: Sleep, Frost fingers   5th: Rime's Binding Ice, Calm Emotions   9th: Sleet Storm, Slow  

Channel Divinity: Calm of Winter

You may Channel Divinity as an action to cast Calm emotions without the use of a spell slot.

Channel Divinity: Cold Front

You can use an action to create an aura of cold 15ft around you. Creatures of your choice who start their turn in this aura have 1/2 movement speed.  

Level 7

Aura of Calm

You have an aura of calm that extends out to 10ft. Creatures of your choice in this aura have advantage on effects that would alter emotions. Additionally creatures of your choice within the aura are immune to magical fear


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