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Rukasa a nation that is slightly isolated form the rest of the world. The entirety of the nation is covered in a mystical forest that wards off travelers from being able to travel too far in, similar to the Fey Realm. The capital city is called Nozomi; it is a city of peace and tranquility and home to the Celestial Shrine. In Rukasa, there are 16 different Shrines that represent 16 aspects of life. Each is guarded and cared for by a Shrine Keep. Rukasa is home to the Kitsune and the Oni and has distinct practices when it comes to fighting.     Rukasa has never participated in any wars, nor has any war ever taken place within its forest. This is largely due to the mist of the forest that act as a protector of the nation. The mist seems sentient, if not alive. The mist wards off those who would see harm to the nation. There are many stories of walking into the forest in a line, only to find yourself walking back out of the forest moments later. It is also the Elven Capital, having a high population of elves, mainly wood. There are also many High Elves who where welcomed in by the native elf clans when the Winter continent, the High Elves former home, froze over.  




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