Othya Novar 'the Dawn' Character in Odezia | World Anvil
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Othya Novar 'the Dawn'

Othya Novar, famously known as 'the Dawn', is the most well-known historical figure in Garyiala for she was their first empress. Othya not only unified the people of the Gar Riverlands, but also discovered the use of sun crystals against malevolent creatures.

Early Life

After the fall of the Kingdom of Dam Gar (and many other civilizations) during what is known as the Twilight Collapse, the people of the Gar Riverlands were divided. A period of little over half a century called the Hundred Peoples Period saw small warring states fighting to survive each other, but mainly malevolent creatures. During this period, Othya Novar was born.
Not much is known about Othya's life before her unification of the Gar Riverlands. Many different stories exist, one more heroic and excessive than the other. Whether she was a huntress, warrior or even a bandit, nobody knows for sure. However, all stories agree on the most important event of her life: killing the beast called Xoodari, and the discovery of sun crystals.


Here, the stories differ slightly in telling, but the outcome of the events are the same. Xoodari was a great beast roaming the lands near the village where Othya Novar lived. It either plagued the village and was deliberately hunted down, or was accidently stumbled upon by Othya and her party while they sought shelter. Nonetheless, Othya and her party fought Xoodari.
The beast had long fangs and sharp claws, and made its dwelling in a deep cave. The party was shredded apart. Othya barely made it out alive, but eventually made the killing blow as she stabbed the beast in its heart. However, the party was too gravely wounded to return home, and the sun started to sink low. They would never find safety before the malevolent creatures would come out of hiding.
For three days and nights, the party hid in the cave where they had slaughtered the beast. For three days and nights, they feared for their life. But, no single malevolent creature found them. After the third night, Othya cut the long fangs and sharp claws from the beast, took some strangely glowing crystals that grew in the cave, and took her party back home. It took them two days and one night to return to the village, and still no creature attacked them by night. The crystals had saved them.

The Empire of Garyiala

Othya Novar quickly made a name for herself as the slayer of Xoodari and bringer of light. She went back to the cave and spread the crystals amongst her friends. Soon, she also shared the crystals with her neighbours. Her kindness and greatness was acknowledged by the many different peoples of the Gar Riverlands, and awarded with a crown. After many years of division, Othya Novar established the Empire of Garyiala, unifying the peoples of the Gar Riverlands once more.


It was upon her death that her son, Emperor Kevan Novar, honoured her with the title ‘the Dawn’, and decreed that each year, on the 22nd day of the month Florsen, the date of the establishment of the empire of Garyiala, Othya Novar ‘the Dawn’, is honoured with a festival, called the Dawn of Garyiala.
Additionally, Emperor Kevan had scholars adjust the calendar, which at the time was a real mess, to be sure the 22nd day of Florsen would be on the same day every year. This calendar, known as the Novarian Calendar, has nonetheless seen many revisions over the next few centuries, but is the base of the Eltarian calendar, the calendar predominantly used in central Namda.
Date of Birth
17 Cicason, 21 BD
Date of Death
9 Firblom, 31 SD
Empire of Garyiala
Organization | May 23, 2022
Sun Crystals
Material | May 23, 2022


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