World History in Odezia | World Anvil
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World History

Dawn Era

The Dawn Era is an age of myths and legends. The current cultures and religions of Odezia have different stories about this era, but share similar elements. Before the different peoples of Odezia thrived, the planet was home to the Ancients and the Divines. Whereas the Ancients were present since the dawn of the planet, the Divines came into being a little later.
Stories about the Ancients are a little obscure. Ancients are often described not dissimilar to but still clearly different from gods in religious stories. In other texts they are vaguely described as natural phenomena such as the wind, sunlight, sea currents or divine intervention/destiny. Divines, on the other hand, are more clearly described. According to some religious texts they were created by the god of said religion, according to other texts they descend from Ancients or were directly born from nature itself. Divines are also called divine creatures, divine beasts or divinities. It is believed some Divines are still alive today.
The end of the Dawn era is often marked by the disappearance of the Ancients.

Twilight Era

The transition from the Dawn era to the Twilight era is characterized by the rise of different civilizations across Odezia. The history of many of these civilizations is just being brought to the light as of a few years ago, and it is speculated many more fallen civilizations are still waiting to be discovered.
The general end of the Twilight era is marked by several colossal disasters which occurred across the planet about 3000 years ago. One of these disasters is the twilight collapse, an overarching term for the collapse of many civilizations. The cause of these disasters is suspected to be a stark increase in malevolent creature appearances.

Shadow Era

The era we currently find ourselves in is the Shadow era, an era defined by harsh living circumstances and severe malevolent creature presence. However, the era is also characterized by survival and endurance. After all, the peoples of Odezia thrive and have likely not even reached their zenith yet.


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