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Creed of the Dead Reborn

Creed of the Dead Reborn is the current mainstream religion that is praised through out Odrain. All of the leaders and priests/clerics are Necromancers with alot of followers being Necromancers or have affiliation with such followers.   The Creed is lead by one who is called The High Blessed whilst all church leaders are named either The Blessed Dead (for living priests/clerics) or The Blessed Reborn (for undead priests/clerics) who all tend to thier followers known as The Risen.   Creed of the Dead Reborn is a Monotheistic religion, their god is called The Great Lich.

Mythology & Lore

The Creed believe that The Great Lich found Odrain as a dead and empty husk. Using It's great necromantic power, The Great Lich breathed a mix of life and unlife into the world and through It's great powers, the living can become the blessed dead who are believed to be closer to The Great Lich that the living are.


Worship is held in either the smaller Crypts of The Lich or the much Larger Sanctums of the Blessed. The Risen (follower of the Creed) tend to bow before either their Blessed Dead (living priests) or Blessed Reborn (Undead priests) when they enter either their local Crypt or Sanctum before seating. The Blessed will then hold pray to the Great Lich infront of a great skull wearing a crown made of bones and stones made of life blood from Blessed Dead that have become Blessed Reborn.
Religious, Organised Religion

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