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Hubert Hubris

Music can be sweet to the ears, a play can bring one to tears.
But neither can hold sway, to this storyteller's tale of the day

Hubert Hubris is quite the bard indeed. He has somehow found his way into many a court to share the great deeds of heroes both present and past over the years. Always dressed in the finest of garb from all over the realm and the ever-present adorned short sword sheathed at his side. According to his tales, he is known to be quite talented with the blade and as of yet it has not been tested before present eyes. There has never been a need for where he goes conflict quickly turns to friendship. For one so renowned in the realm what could the reason be that he has set his eyes upon you as the subject for his next great tale of adventure.... whatever it is you best not disappoint.
Neutral Good


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